Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bingle Bonanza

My friend Millie has shamed me into writing once again - and yes, I know that I've not been blogging, but with the last two weeks being so busy it's been really hard - time has not been on my side. With a birthday, the parents over for a few days, Elk's meetings, work, book group... the list just went on and on. I've wanted to write  - just haven't had the time.

So, on the good side of being busy:

My birthday was wonderful. A group of friends and my parents went up for a jaunt on Puffing Billy the day before I finally turned, (cough, splutter, argh).... A great day was had by all and I was made to feel loved. I'm so very lucky in that respect.

Having the folks over for a few days was lovely. They took me out for dinner for a couple of nights - that was lovely too. Even better, my mother had a knee replacement operation six weeks before and I was a bit worried how she was going to get on. Thankfully, she's doing brilliantly. She got an A+ from the surgeon the other day, saying that she was healing better than 90% of people recovering from the same operation. She's been sensible and done everything she was told to do. I'm thrilled for her.

I also participated in the City to Surf in Sydney  - this year I walked it with a friend, Mal and her Mum. This was a fantastic day - my Mal's mother had always wanted to do the City to Surf before she turned 70. She made it with six months to spare. A breast cancer survivor she managed the 14 kilometre walk in just over 2.5 hours. Mal and I walked it with her as support crew, not that she needed it. I was blown away by her courage - and I hope to be that fit when I'm in my late sixties.

However, the biggest thing to happen to me happened on the way home from Sydney on that trip. A few minutes drive away from Blarney's place, where I was due to be fed after the long trip home, I had a bingle - or to those not in Australia - a small car accident. Turning a corner, the driver in front of me hit the brakes rather than accelerating round the corner. Thankfully, I was only going about 10 kilometres an hour, thankfully I hit the brakes and hard - but it still didn't stop me from connecting with the tow bar of the car in front.

The driver in front and I got out and had a look - the car was still driving well. With flailing English the guy in front apologised for braking - saw that there was no damage to his car and drive off.

My car, Neville, had no apparent damage. I made my way to Blarney's, passing by a very nasty accident in the street round the corner from hers. I was grateful nobody was hurt, my car appeared to be in good nick and I wasn't in the prang that I witnessed. I counted three ambulances, 20 or so paramedics and emergency staff and two written off cars. Blarney gave me a cup of tea and calmed me down a bit. I've been driving for nearly 30 years - this was my first prang - and I was thankful it was a minor one.

I drove home a few hours later after a spot of dinner and a cuddle with the Maow Maow.

The following morning, I had a better look. I knew that the front plastic grille would need replacing from the night before.What I couldn't see the night before was the large scrape on the bumper and that the air conditioning condenser looked like somebody had shoved a fist into it. Great. There was also a bit of green water under the car. The signs were ominous.

Called the mechanic later that morning after a chat with my cousin, who's also a mechanic. My local mechanic said he couldn't have a look at it for a week - and I was told not drive it out of Richmond, if at all. I said that I'd driven it home okay - but I'd take care.

Push comes to shove, the car is now at a crash repairer. $2500 of damage - needs a new radiator, air conditioner condenser, bumper and a few other small tweaks to the internals - all for connecting with a tow bar. Bloody things should be outlawed!

So here I am, car-less for a little while longer. I'm hoping that I'll be getting it back by the end of the week - but in the mean time I'm a bit tethered to home.

This is not a bad thing.

Gloria has become my taxi for meditation and dream group. I feed her for the privilege of the ride - and for the first time in a long time, I've been on time for dream group.

The gym is walking distance away. I'm in there a bit. It's only a ten minute walk away, but not that fun to get home from when it's late and raining.

Public transport is being used for getting out to Blarneys and anywhere else I really need to get to - if I don't really need to be there, I've postponed the appointment. It's forced me to look for a new hairdresser - not really wanting to spend an hour an a half on public transport to get to my old one.

And I'm doing a lot of cleaning - and going to bed early - and just enjoying not having the mode of being out every night and racing around like a blue bottomed fly.

Tonight was set aside for blogging and cooking. We're having a bake off at work tomorrow - so I've made bark. One lot is a mix of Milky Bar, dried cranberries and pistachios. The other, dark chocolate, pistachios and raisins soaked in Pedro Ximinez liquer. Should go down alright.

The crux of the matter is this - the car can be repaired. Nobody was hurt. I have comprehensive insurance, it's the first time I've ever used it to repair a car - mine or anybody elses. Nobody was hurt. I get  few weeks of taking it easy.

A bit of time off is a real bingle bonanza.


  1. Love your attitude - and am so glad that you missed the bigger accident.
    And the cat cuddles would definitely have helped.

  2. Your first prang ever? Impressive! I've had, um, one or two... Never my fault of course ;)
    Glad it's worked out well.
