Monday, April 21, 2014

Three Days, Three Films

The joy of Easter without immediate family. I get to use up all the stored up movie vouchers.

It's been a film a day over Easter.

Good Friday had me at the LEGO movie - which has been reviewed already. AWESOME!.

Saturday was the day that Blarney finally got her birthday movie. She chose "The Other Woman" a saccharine sweet rom-com chick-flick.

Sunday I went and saw "Divergent"

And today using the last of my movie vouchers, it was off to see "The Invisible Woman."

Thankfully, saved the best til last.

So, in a nutshell.

"The Other Woman" is one of those films where you can leave your brain at the door and sit back and ponder how something so lightweight can remain fixed on the screen. A film about infidelity, friendship and revenge.

The bloke who plays Jaime Lannister on "Game of Thrones" appears to have had a debt to pay in being in this film.

It's fairly floss - fluffy and fun but not particularly fulfilling.

On the good side, Cameron Diaz is aging gracefully - and hats off to her for that. The film is also really pretty to look at.

On the not so good side, Lesley Mann's voice is tuned into a nails-on-the-blackboard frequency and it's annoying from her first lines.

That's about all I have to say about this. It's a chick flight. Fun but that was about it.


Sunday had me off to see "Divergent."

I read the book in preparation and wasn't thrilled with the book. A poor cousin's Hunger Games. Thing is, I really enjoyed the film. They did a great job on it.

Set in a post-apocalyptic dystopia, Tris Prior has to choose a faction to be a part of on her sixteenth birthday. The Government tests all to see which faction they belong to - see Tris's problems start when she doesn't conform. She's divergent, a fact that she has to keep from everybody to remain safe.

This is one of the few films that I've enjoyed more than the book. Well paced, great action, interesting characters and great stunts.

Shailene Woodley does a great job as Tris. Theo James who plays her instructor and lover is drool worthy (yum).They do things in this film that you'd love to try, like zip lining from the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago.

My friend Georgie made her husband Tom vow to see every adolescent trilogy in their wedidng vows - I'm going to recommend this one to them.

I was pleasantly surprised by this film as I went in, not expecting much. It was a great divergence for a Sunday afternoon.

This afternoon, my last movie voucher was used to see "The Invisible Woman", a historical drama which centres around Charles Dickins and his secret lover Ellen "Nelly" Ternan. Ralph Fiennes stars in and directs this story of love and loss.

A 45-year-old Dickins, at the time a well known writer and actor falls head over heels for the 18-year old Nellie. The story follows their affair and how in these closeted times, their love played out.

The acting is wonderful - Felicity Jones is incandescent as Nelly , Fiennes joyous and brooding in equal measure as Dickens. I loved this film not only for the story, but the costumes and settings which a just wonderful to take in.

I was also completely taken with Joanna Scanlan who played Dickins' wife, Catherine. She's heartbreaking in her role as the unloved wife of one of the most famous men of the day. Her performance shook me to the core - her acting some of the bravest I've seen in a long time.

The only small downer in the film was the occasional use of the hand held camera. There was no need to be bounced around as you were in the scenes it was used (which was thankfully limited).

"The Invisible Woman" is English cinema at it's best. Ralph Fiennes, if he gets rid of the use of the hand held camera could very well be the next English director to watch. This is his second attempt at directing and he's made an excellent film.

This film is on limited release, but if you like historical dramas this may be your cup of tea and it's worth seeking  it out. I came away completely satisfied. Easily the most satisfying film I saw this weekend.

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