Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Sunday Stealing Job / Meme

Well, not that Blog-a-Day May is over, I'm in the habit of writing every day, which is the point of doing a daily blog.

The meme on Sunday is a great way to get jobs done and do a bit of writing.

Is is the habit, the questions are from Sunday Stealing. Reasonably banal, but good enough to write something, then get a job done. And I have lots of jobs to do today, as well as a rather sooky cat to deal with who loves a cuddle.
So job, then question.

(Shopping done and put away)

1)Where would you retire to? 

I don't ever see myself retiring, especially since our wonderful government has now dictated that we Australians are supposed to work until we are seventy now.

However, if I was to even think about retiring, I could see myself on the South Coast of England, Devon, Cornwall - I reckon that would be great. Or travelling the world, that would be great too. I just never see myself retiring.

(Load of whites done)

2)What are your best physical features? 

I'm lucky in that I don't mind they way I look. My best features? I have wonderfully skinny ankles. My hair is long and thick and wavy and I've got these green eyes that are a colour that nobody else has. That's pretty cool

(White's hung out, another load of washing in the machine)

3)What are your best characteristics? 

Oh I don't know. I'm incredibly loyal. I can be smart and funny. I'm a good friend. I can hunt out any ice cream in a kilometre radius. When I want something, I go for it. I'm pretty tenacious like that. I'm good at coaching and training people too.

(Started looking at my Cert IV stuff)

4)What kind of books do you like to read? 

I would say anything well written, but that's not quite right. I'm at literature buff, but enjoy well written young adult literature, well written popular fiction. Also really well written non-fiction - things like Michael Lewis's books like "Moneyball". For example, the best books I've read in the last year are Christos Tsiolkas' "Dead Europe", Donna Tartt's "The Goldfinch" and Jeffrey Eugenides " Middlesex".

Literary reader, got it.

(Gone and seen Blarney and the boys)

5)What are you reading now? 

Currently reading Robert Galbraith's (JK Rowling) "The Cuckoo's Calling" and for book group, Lisa O'Donnells, "The Death of Bees."

(Put dinner/lunch for the next few days in the oven)

6)What is your favourite thing to cook?

I love cooking, just never get to do it for people. My favourite thing to make is cassata, which is a Christmas treat. An ice cream cake of three layers. The first, glace cherries soaked in brandy in whipped cream. The second layer, vanilla ice cream laced with melted dark chocolate. The top layer is more vanilla ice cream mixed with crushed up almond toffee, with toasted almonds and more toffee shards on top.

(Packed bag for tomorrow)
7)What is your favorite time of the day? 

I really like early morning just after the sun has come up. Normally at this time I'm just walking to work. it's great. Peaceful.

(Fed cat)

8)Where did you grow up? 

Until I was eight, I grew up in the Southern suburbs of Adelaide, Australia, near Glenelg. When I turned eight we moved to Myponga, South Australia, a very small town with lots of dairy farms and potato farmers. My mum still lives there.

(Set out clothes for tomorrow)
9)How far away from your birthplace do you live now? 

About 500 miles away. It's an hour on a plane or eight hours drive to Adelaide. 

10)Are you a morning person or a night owl? 

Definitely a morning person. It irritates a lot of people no end.
11)What inspires you? 

Great writing. nature, the absurd, the amusing and the downright silly. I find inspiration in all sorts of strange and wonderful places.

12)Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows? 

13)Do you have pets? 

No, but I look after my friend's cats when they go away. Mrs Squeaky Puss is asleep on the couch at the moment. She's telling me its bedtime.
14)How many rings before you answer the phone? 

Depends if I hear it. At work, two rings unless somebody is looking over my shoulder.
15)What are some of the different jobs that you have had in your life? 

Back office dividends specialist at an Investment Bank
Software Tester
Technical Writer
Instructional Designer
Administration officer
Shop assistant at a department store
Dustman for a day
Recruitment Consultant

See, nice and varied
16)Any new and exciting things that you would like to share? 

Nope, other than I'm learning to run again. That's fun.
17)What is most important in life? 

Friends, love, food, literature - in no order.

18)Did you dream last night? 

No, much to the chagrin of my dream group.
19)Do you remember your dreams? 

Yes, but not often enough for my dream group. Waking up too often during the night at the moment to remember my dreams.


  1. A dream group? How intriguing!

  2. Hi Pand,

    You do know it rains a lot in Devon and Cornwall :0) - never mind; it's beautiful there.




  3. Just read ALL of your May blog-a-days - top effort!

    I might join you in Devon when we're 70+

  4. I always wanted to go to Cornwall thanks to a childhood reading the Famous Five and Daphne Du Maurier. I'll come and visit you there when we're retired.
