Sunday, August 10, 2014

The 13 Things Meme

Is Sunday, therefore it is meme day. As always, questions are courtesy of Sunday Stealing. These are too bad questions, thank goodness.

1) Outside my window...

Are a lot of planes. I'm at Sydney airport waiting to catch a flight back to Melbourne after completing the City to Surf this morning.

2) I am thankful...

That my nearly 46 year old body can walk 14 kms in under 2.5 hours (official time 2:26:24 - bloody good for limited training) that I have the funds to do things like this and the toddler sitting behind me has stopped screaming in my ear. Said child was about to get thrown out the window mentioned in question one.

3) In the kitchen...

There will be sitting a very stroppy Maow Maow waiting for his dinner and a litter tray that needs cleaning. Fun, eh?

4) I am wearing...

A purple tunic dress, long sleeved blue t-shirt, black leggings and boots. Travelling clothes.

5) I'm creating:...

My blog post. At home I'm creating a baby blanket for Millie and good karma that will allow me to get on with this Masters programme without having a nervous breakdown.

6) I'm going...

Home to Melbourne after a lovely weekend up here in Sydney.

7)  I'm reading...

Nathan Filer's "The Shock of the Fall". Just finished Tara Moss' "The Fictional Woman". This is a must read and a very important book.

8) I'm learning...

To like Sydney. Sydney will never be my favourite place in the world, but it is growing on me. Like warts. A good City to Surf has helped foster this bonhomie.

9) I'm pondering...

A lot of things. Lachlan. Whether I go batshit crazy feminist during this first Master's Module, what I might be doing after my current work contract ends, taking the cat home to Blarney when I get home, what do with my parents next weekend. Brain always goes 1000 miles an hour.

10)  A favourite quote...

Here are a few;

"The lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact."  Shakespeare

"Not my circus, not my monkeys". Polish adage.

Steve Job's "Here's to the crazy ones ..." speech.

11) One of my favourite things...

Hitting the top of a perfect creme brulee with the back of a spoon. Kissing. Fresh pineapple.

12) A few plans for the rest of the week...

Week starts tomorrow, but it's crazy week. Work, play, gym, sleep, return the cat at some stage.

13)  A peek into my day...

I met a really lovely lady named Helen on the walk. We talked and walked for the last 2 kilometres of today's race. My walk was faster than her shuffle. We saw each other over the finish line. That was really special. It's great to give other runners a bit of support.


  1. You've inspired me -

  2. Amazing how many of us wrote "this blog post" for "I am creating..."

  3. That favorite quote is something to memorize! And, surely you do get a chance to slow down at sometime? Hope so!
