Saturday, September 6, 2014

The New Normal

It's Saturday night, it's about nine 'o' clock and I'm working on my first tutorial assignment.

And I'm happy about it.

Not sure who this woman is who is going to have her tute paper in two days early, not sure why I'm chomping at the bit to get into the next thirteen weeks, but I am. Last time I was a student, papers went under the office door the day after it was due after pulling an all nighter. I can't do that crap any more.

I'm a student again. Better go and get something pierced or tattooed.

Admittedly, the first tutorial assignment isn't that difficult. Read a couple of papers and answer a few questions, then talk about what you're looking at doing for your research topic.

Where this studying on Saturday night comes from I don't know. The last time I was a student Saturday nights were for going out and getting drunk. Okay, that was 25 years ago when things like that were done. I'm now a "mature aged student" studying a Masters of Arts (Writing) I get that the hard yards need to be done.

Receiving my university login on Wednesday was brilliant. I've met a couple of the fellow students in the course discussion board. Seems I'm not the only 40-something, full time working new starter in the course. That gives me a bit of hope.

Refining my topic of enquiry is my next issue. There's a publication piece and a research journal and plan to complete in any genre I desire. I'll go the 2500 word short story route as it's something I know. But what to research. I've got the umbrella topic - now it's a matter of cutting it down to size. I'm pretty sure that I want to write on the subject of Comfort Women in WWII - just from what angle. This is my dilemma that will become more granular as the week progresses. Why such a grim topic? Women's stories need to get out there.

Right, I best get on with it. There's a tute paper to write.

There is a lot to be cheerful about:

1) This head cold is nearly over
2) It looks like my current contract will be extended for a bit
3) My friend Teddy is taking her very first interstate trip - aged in her early forties. I'm thrilled about this one. Okay, it's a road trip to Adelaide for a footy game - I'm over the moon for her.
4) Jay will be very happy that her football team won
5) The Melbourne Theatre Company nearly redeemed itself last night with it's performance of "The Effect". Jay was a bit over the medical stuff and it's inaccuracies, but I though it was well done
6) The discover of Irish Creme Lindt balls found at the Lindt Cafe will make anybody's world happier
7) There is a barbeque tomorrow at Blarney and Barney's so I don't have to cook tomorrow night (pity it won't do my floors) And I get to see Maow Maow.
8) It was a gorgeous sunny day today and should be the same tomorrow
9) T2 Chocolate Chilli tea is a revelation
10)  I should be right to walk to work on Monday.
11) I won't be secretary of my lodge after Monday night - yay!
12) Essendon lost tonight. The world is always a better place when Essendon loses. Especially in the finals.

I'm in study mode. Simple is good.

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