Friday, October 31, 2014

The Summation

Well, I set myself a few challenges at the start of the month. With an hour to go before All Saints Day and the end of that pseudo holiday, Halloween, I thought it was a good chance to check in and do a reset.

So, the challenges:

1) Save $300 a week. Done. My tuition fund for the first subject of next year is nearly there. Very pleased about this.

2) The Abs Challenge. Made it to day 17 - which is  a lot further than last  time I tried.

3) Throw out five things a day - Made it to day 20. The place is feeling somewhat less cluttered, but there is still a way to go,

4) Have a veggie juice a day - call this 75% done. I'm pretty happy with that - the nutribullet is being used four or five times a week.

So, this month, I'll attempt the same challenges - the throw out challenge might get a bit hard, but we can only try.

I've also got ten days before my major assignments are due in. Thankfully I'm in a good place - the story is at third draft stage, the research journey document is planned out and I'm up to date with my tutorials.The next couple of weekends will be spent polishing the turds, but hopefully I'll get through. (Plastic Mancunian - I encourage you to enroll in a subject or two at the Open University - even undergrad stuff - it certainly makes you hone the craft.

While I'm here, please find attached my last tute paper, of which I am quite proud. I was asked to discuss whether I would write for Young Adults. Of course I would  - but they don't need to know this :) Went down a treat with my tute group.

This piece was presented with academic references  - which have been taken out.

Would you write for Young Adults?  - A Response

Would you write for young adults? The question was asked.
The intrepid student was up to the task.
Like Lemony Snicket and Artemis Fowl,
Harry, Hermione, Ron and the Owl
Could she find the right person to carry the plot?
And keep the books going ‘til the themes were forgot.
Could she weave in the backdrop of dystopia found?
Or work gamification into lives all around?  
Could she find the right language to engage the child? 
Would she keep the love action acceptably mild?

For writing for children is incredibly hard,
And talented writers are all in the yard.

To research the psyche of the changing rug rat
Is a venture that leaves this writer quite flat.
They read over their ages and under pump,
And like to hear stories of things at the dump.

Of course children like poems and riddles and rhymes,
But who can be bothered with these withering chimes. 
Of course know your children and what makes them tick, 
Is far too much hard work for this grumpy old chick.

What of Horrible Histories and “Off with their heads!”
And stories that make kids hide under their beds?
The research component could be rather fun
But would the kid’s attention be finally won? 

How do you make the simple the very complex? 
This conundrum continues to ever perplex.
For children need challenges up to their mark
And writing this genre is no walk in the park.

Then there are the series that the children so love:
Tonnes of material and backstories to shove,
And themes age eternal (there’s no need to invent),
Of honour and courage and energies spent.
These themes that all children can see in themselves,
Are themes that will forever keep books on the shelves.

But I wonder what happens when all books go away
And the tablet takes over as the object of play.
How do you write for this fast-changing field?
Do you keep up with the Joneses or quietly yield?
The challenge at hand is to mix, match and grow 
And  hope that your ideas continue to flow.

Would I write for young adults? The answer is no.
It’s tricky and sticky and there’s no place to go.

Would I write for young adults? Ah, what’s the use!

I just hope in my next life I will be Dr Seuss.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pand,

    That might be scary - but then again (as I said in a blog post) being scared can be good.



