Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Are You? Meme

It's Xmas jam making day, so there is my grandmother's recipe Dried Apricot Jam on the stove boiling away on the stove. I'm having a cheapo Xmas this year, so jam is being given away as presents. I think this is a wonderful idea as everybody I know has everything they need, home made jam is a good thing to give. Most people like apricot jam.

So it's a stir of the pot then a question. Breaks things up a bit and the jam doesn't catch on the bottom of the pot. Love making jam. Just wish my grandfather was here to stir the pot with me.

1) Are you psychic in any way?

I read tarot professionally and have done for many years - does this count? I'd say I'm moderately psychic - I occasionally see things and I'll often sense things, but I have no control over things.

2) Are you a good dancer?

No. I look like a fridge freezer when I dance.

3) Are you a good singer?

I can carry a tune, but don't make me sing in public.

4) Are you a good cook?

Certainly, there are things I cook which people ask for  - such as my lemon polenta cake, chicken and roast pumpkin stir fry, birthday cakes... I'm a pretty good cook.

5) Are you a good artist?

Not in a traditional sense, but I love creating things.

6) Are you a good listener?

I like to think so.

7) Are you a good public speaker?

Yes. Public speaking doesn't freak me out in the slightest.

8) Are you a good babysitter?

Depending on my mood. Kids generally like me. I generally like kids.

9) Are you a good mechanic?

No. Change a tyre, fill up the petrol and stand and look at the engine. That's the end of it for me.

10) Are you a good diplomat?

Another depends on the time and place. I can have my moments. I a bit too tactless to be a true diplomat.

11) Are you a good employee?

Turn up on time. Do what's asked of me. What more do you want. Yes, I'm a good employee.

12) Are you a good dresser?

No. But I dress to my shape and I'm colour coordinated because I wear black most of the time.

13) Are you a good swimmer?

Pretty good. I'm a medium lane swimmer when I hit the pool.

14) Are you a good skier?

Haven't been skiing for about 30 years so I'd say that this is a no.

15) Are you a good gift giver?

Sometimes. Depend who it is. My best friend got a garden gnome from me one year - she spent the next ten trying to run the thing over. When I give gifts I try to personalise them or make an effort.

16) Are you a good musician?

No. I play the flute badly and can read music. Better than some, but nowhere as good as others.

17) Are you a good comedian?

Occasionally. How do you titillate an ocelot?
You oscillate it's tit a lot.
Boom boom.

18) Are you a good cleaner?

No. Again, my house is sort of clean. That's good enough.

19) Are you a good actor?

Not really. I did a bit of acting in a former life, but I'd never make a stage or screen actor.

20) Are you a good writer?

Yes. That's part of the reason I'm doing a Masters in writing at the moment.


  1. I hope the Masters gives you great satisfaction.

  2. I had to laugh about wearing black all the time. ;-)

  3. Thanks for the Jam idea. I think I'll start some right now. Just need four jars of it.

    I'd say you are psychic. But, please don't read me! hehehe
