Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Dirty Dozen Meme

Somehow, my afternoon's activities were cancelled, which means I get a bit more time to do the things I like.
 So other than knitting and reading, I'll get my Sunday blog out of the way early for a change.

There are some interesting questions here. Thanks again to Sunday Stealing for hunting out the questions for the weekly meme.

1. This weather is really.....

...wonderful. Warm days cool nights. My favourite. Even managed a 10 km walk at twilight last night which was just wonderful.

 2. You think you've seen it all, you should see me....

...push the sled at the gym. I'm the sled queen.

 3. I'm sure you would still love me even if... heard me sing. It's pretty bad.

 4. I think I have finally realized...

...that people really are as stupid as I think they are.

 5. Since the last time we linked up...

...I've been on a 10 kilometre walk at twilight which really made my day.

 6. I get super embarrassed...

... when I'm quizzed about my non-existent sex life.

 7. I really thought by now...

... they would have deposed Tony Abbott and his seriously bad government.

8. If I thought no one would read it, I would write about...

...what really does go down in Financial Services. It hasn't really changed in 20 years.

9. I knew I was in the wrong place...

... when my boss started to call my darling. A few jobs ago, but it was dreadful.

10. I am so not above...

...putting tomato sauce (ketchup) on pretty much anything savoury.

11. Let's pretend...

... something really nasty has happened to Tony Abbott and Christopher Pyne. Can you see the dancing in the streets?

12. Just you wait...

...until we get a proper government. We might be in for a long wait, but hopefully they will clean up this tea-party-like monstrosity that we have at the moment.


  1. There are signs of spring here--but I would trade for your weather.

  2. Bad government is everywhere. I swear the earth passed through some asteroid dust that messed up the brains of half the population. It's the only way I can account for it.

  3. Yeah, I'm with ya on the government thing! Depressing...and frightening at the same time.

  4. Glad that you loved the walk in the twilight. It's a beautiful time of day.

    Sad about Governments, which most likely have became like sieves at some point, probably just after the first world war. The REALLY wrong elements started infiltrating, and the madness has been going up and down since then.
