Sunday, March 22, 2015

The I Meme

After a rather fraught week, it's nice that now things have calmed down and there's a really cute meme to complete for this Sunday. Along with making a salad for a barbeque a bit later and doing some study.

This "I am" meme comes from Sunday Stealing once again.

I am... 

Strong, resiliant, kind, intelligent (Gee, never saw myself saying that a while ago)

I want... 

A leather trench coat and a few more hours in the day.

I have... 

Great friends, a good attitude and lots of love in my life.

I wish... 

My niece didn't have leukemia. I wish that more than anything in the world.

I hate... 

Nothing. But I very strongly dislike the Australian Federal Government at the moment. Loathe it with a passion.

I fear... 

That Australia will never recover from this mean, stupid and incompetent government.

I hear... 

That the comedy festival is going to be really good this year.

I search... 

For more time to write properly.

I wonder... 

If the current Australian Federal Cabinet will end up in prison sometime in the future for the atrocities they're committing at the moment.

I regret... 


I love... 

Maow Maow and ice cream and kittens and puppies and literature.

I never... 

Consciously go out to hurt anybody or anything.

I ache... 

After the lunge track of this new release of BodyPump (The chest track is a killer too...)

I always...

Clean my teeth before I go to bed.

I usually...

Touch a copy of the Herald Sun and make the comment "Oh, I feel dirty now!"

I am not... 

Ugly or stupid, no matter how often I was told that as a child.

I dance... 

In the kitchen any time of the day or night.

I sing... 

When driving the car - very loudly and often off-key.

I sometimes...

Freeze gin and tonics in iceblock molds. Yum.

I cry... 

At the drop of a hat during movies.

I am not always... 

On time, but there is a greatness to my lateness.

I lose... 

Patience with politicians who think we should be more like America. America is a great place, but leave America in America thanks.

I am confused... 

At how Christopher Pyne has not been made to resign, effective six months ago.

I need... 

A cuddle. Maow Maow will oblige this afternoon.

I should...

Be studying, but I'll do that once I publish this.


  1. I love to sing at the top of my lungs in the car, too!

  2. I dance in the kitchen,too. And no, Australia does not need to become more like anyone else. Americans and Aussies are both a very friendly people. But the rest? Right, don't do it.

  3. Yes, leave America to America - many parts of our society should not be copied.

    I loved your answers. Very honest.

  4. Sounds like the Australian government is not all that different from the American government!

  5. I love your 'I Love'.........reply. Hope your comedy festival is a success. Although not a stand-up comedian and more than a little risqué, I'm a big fan of Australia's Chris Lilley.

    ...and on governments, I can't wait to vote to boot out our Prime Minister next month! Worse leader ever......
