Sunday, April 5, 2015

The More or Less Meme

It's Easter Sunday. I have a usable bathroom - the first shower in it was absolutely magic! Downstairs cat has been let in after his night's wanderings - the little shit didn't come when called so he stayed out for the night. He was quite happy when I opened the door for him this morning. I have my friend's Dyson so I can clean up after the reno. All is in order really.

Anyway. Here's Sunday Stealing's list of questions for this week.

Happy Easter / Passover / Chocolate Overdose Day.

Three (or more, or less!) things...

1. cannot live without. 

Dr Blake
Gin and Tonics when Dr Blake is on.
Maow Maow cuddles
The gym
The internet

2. CAN live without, but cannot seem to part with.

Ice cream
My iPhone
Dream group
Two showers a day
Clean clothes

3. wish to accomplish this COMING week. 

At least three sessions in the gym
Finish my weekly tutorial
Finish my current book
Have the tradies out of my bathroom.
Finish the hat I'm knitting for my niece.

4. have accomplished this PAST week.

Finished my last book (Elizabeth Gilbert's "The Signature of all Things", loved it)
Introduced Jay to the joys of the Vihn Ky's Crispy Dry Beef with Chilli Sauce (Totally amazing)
A Barre Attack Class - which is something like a mix of ballet, pilates and rhythmic gymnastics and I can still feel my butt. It was brutal.
Went and saw my annual Comedy Festival show (Adam Hills - Clown Heart - he was wonderful)
Didn't go mad whilst showering at the gym while my bathroom was being renovated.

5. ...on your holiday (or non-holiday) 'wish list.' 

More of Spain
More of Italy
Visit every cathedral, operational and defunct, in England
Thailand, five star
A weekend at Daylesford
More of Tasmania
Might go over to the South Island to see Geetangeli
Would love to spend a month in New York
Do I have to stop?

6. would like to change about yourself. 

I'd love a flat stomach.
A bit more natural oestrogen would be nice.
I'd love it if the toenail on my big toe didn't have the tendency to grow in,
Perkier boobs. OKay I'm 46 - not going to happen without surgery and I'm not into that.

7. like about yourself. 

I'm kind.
I'm compassionate.
I'm loyal.
I'm pretty smart.
I'm fairly tenacious.

8. should be doing right now instead of what you ARE doing. 

I should be dusting.
I should be finished the beanie I'm making for my niece.
I should be getting my tutorial done for this week.
I should be finishing my assignment for uni.
I should be out for a walk - but I'm not.
I should be finishing the hoovering - I got my friend's Dyson in especially (Love the Dyson)

9. your life that could use a little more organization.

My study habits.
Dinner on Wednesday night before dream group (so I can get there on time for a change)
My handbag.
My day to day existence.


  1. I had a difficult time with the organization question because I like to think of myself as organized, so admitting I'm not is hard.

  2. I loved The Signature of All Things, too. Best book I've read so far this year.

  3. Good meme - I might steal this one.
    Hey where's the finished bathroom pic?

  4. Two showers a day......I'll be upping to that once May is over..!
