Saturday, September 12, 2015

RU OK? Day Two

Yes, I'm okay.

Good day really. Long lie in with the cat. The ironing is done. Had a massage with the wonderful Anke. Food shopping is done. Did a pump class. 20 kg squats, 10 kg chest, 10 kg back (shoulder still not right) 5 kg triceps and biceps. My upper body weights used to be 5 kgs heavier, but this shoulder is taking forever to come good. I've a ping in my rotator cuff comes out in my anterior deltoid. Anything that requires a push motion with weight tends to hurt. Thankfully the chicken wing and happy cat exercises Cleo gave me are sorting it out. It felt great to walk to the gym without a coat.

Just so you know I'm not bonkers, here you go:
Image result for rotator cuff exercises gym
Happy Cat shoulder exercise - just like the ones you see at Chinese restaurants:

Image result for happy cat chinese restaurant gif

The happy cat, I'm told by my colleague, means something like "Welcome to this brothel."

And there is this.
Image result for rotator cuff exercises gym
Chicken Wing shoulder exercises.

I'm becoming fond of the cable machine.

On the not so good side of things, Maow Maow goes home tomorrow. I've had him for a month and I reckon I'm going to miss him terribly. He's sound asleep, snoring, on the bed at the moment.

Maybe I can ransom him for a Crows v. Hawthorn ticket next weekend.

In all, not  a bad day. Just have to get on with my Journalism tute rather than phaffing around on Netflix.

Cat Haiku

Can I love you more
Even though your snores wake me
From the dead of sleep?

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