Saturday, January 2, 2016


I love holiday time. There is no real time table to keep to, unless you consider that the gym holds classes at certain times and if you want to make them, you have to be there.

Yesterday Jay and I went for our constitutional lap of the Botanic Gardens. We often do this on public holidays when the gym's closed. This time, as we passed The Shrine, I suggested going in to have a look. Best idea of the year so far.

For the non-Melbournites reading this, the Shrine of Remembrance is Melbourne's War Memorial.

It's open from 10-5 every day. We were on the steps at 10 am to hear The Last Post being played. After a wander around the main hall, we headed down to the crypt, curious to see what might be down there. What we found was a new museum. It's only been open for less than a year, looking at Australia's Military History. It's great. We got through the section on World War One. Making this more poignant, there's a sound and light show with an actual boat that was used for the Gallipoli Landing in 1915. My uncle would have been on one of those boats.

The Museum is free to enter and well worth a visit. We left after the first section. The tickets on the car were going to run out. Best not chance it, even if it was a public holiday. I'll go back in the next few weeks to check out the rest of the exhibits - and to look out from the ambulatory in the roof of the building.

It's things like this you don't find in when you're working.

My priorities for my holiday are being fulfilled. I've been to the gym today. There are apricots ripening in the kitchen in preparation for making jam in the coming days - that will happen when they're all ripe. Alice's tree has served me well once again.

The boot of the car is half full of crap ready to take round to Thom and Georgie's. Thom's sister is having a charity drive for donated stuff. I've started in the spare room. So much stuff I haven't had use for in years (a bicycle helmet, yoga mat, candles gifted to me in 2003, glasses gifted at last year's Xmas in July.... the list goes on).

By the time I go out there tomorrow, I suspect the boot of the car might be full.

Now off to Blarney's for dinner and to have an overdue cuddle with the Maow Maow.

It's what holidays are for.

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