Friday, February 5, 2016

February Resolutions - and a January Update

It's the fifth of the month - resolution day. It would have  been a fwedays ago, but I've been struggling with a stomach virus. Thankfully that's all passed now.

But first, how did we go in January.

The KonMari challenge went well. I've still to finish the CDs and get rid of a bit more paper, but I'm really pleased with the effort and the result.

Of the no chip challenge, I faltered on three occasions, otherwise I did okay with that. Don't ask how February has gone with this, but as I told a friend - if it's not in writing, it's not out there.

Gyming - that one didn't go so well, but I was making it 3-4 times a week before I went to Bali, but not more - my headspace wasn't great early in the month. In Bali I was walking and doing yoga everyday. I'm not beating myself up over this.

As for writing every day - managing seventeen blogposts - that isn't a bad effort - and I have been to Bali.

Since coming back, I've had a bout of Bali belly, now gone thank goodness. I'm also getting back into the swing of things. The paperwork for my contract has been delayed so it looks like another week off - I'm not complaining, but it they don't get their bum into gear soon I'll have to get the feelers out. This is okay too. I feel so much better for the breat.

Right, it's a few days late, but here we go with February's Resolutions.

1) Get happily employed again - says it all really. I resolve to do this sooner rather than later.

2) No chips. I've had four days of being a slacker on this one - no chips no more - no even from other people's plates. This is a resolution to continue.

3) Get back into cardio. It's time. I need to get heart fit again. Back to the elliptical, spin classes and running. I have a week or so to tell my body what it's been missing. It feels like a good resolution.

4) Continue with the KonMari process. I've still to finish the CDs and there is still some paper and knickknacks to shift. As I have at least another week off, may as well get this done too. The spare room needs a bit more of a going over too.

5) Write a short story and polish it. Well, school does start at the end of the month, so I really need to do my own stuff. I've got some thoughts about a book being noted down on Scrivener, but I'd like to write a short story that may get some attention. Something came to me today on the train as I was coming back from lunch. This has also been noted in Scrivener (an online tool for managing writing projects).

6)  Up my vegetarian days a week.  I've been inspired by my time in Bali and also by Sarah Wilson of I Quit Sugar fame. It's time to revolutionise the diet and get into some really good habits. Though I'd struggle to ever be a vegan, having at least three vegetarian days a week would be good for me. I want to give it a try. On the stove is a lovely batch of tofu and bean chilli which is nearly as good as the one I had in Ubud. Time to start experimenting with vegetarian recipes. Time to start getting rid of the sugar for the most part. I might need a bit of determination to do this one, but I will give it a go.

These seem doable, timely, measurable goals? Yes.

Well, it's time for me to make my gin and tonic and get my ice cream out (yeah, I know, Friday night amnesty on sugar - it is Doctor Blake night after all)

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