Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Blog a Day June: Can I have my public holiday back please


I just want my day back.

I left home at 9.30, so I could get to a friend's place by ten.

There was some secret Mason's business that needed doing. I thought that would take and hour or so. It took three hours.'

After the secret Mason's business was done, it was out to lunch. My lovely friend and I had fish and chips on the beach. That was great.

I dropped my friend off at her place just before three. I got home at four after a stop at the supermarket.

It feels like I've lost a day.

The ironing pile is juge.

My tute paper didn't get written.

The floors didn't get mopped.

Though dinner got made for week thanks to the microwave pressure cooker.

I just want my public holiday back for myself.

Oh well.

Better effort tomorrow.

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