Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Blog a Day June: Celebration

Tonight I'm having a minor celebration. Results were in today and I am now half way through my Masters in Writing.

The results were pretty good - a distinction. Nothing to sneeze at, but not the extra two marks that would make it a HD. I'm good with it. I know I mucked up a tute or two and my tutor is a stickler for what he wants. I think I'm more annoyed with the scant feedback received, which was identical to at least three other classmates, one with an HD, the others had identical marks to me. Annoying, but still, I'm doing very well and I'm now officially half way through my Masters in Writing.

So I'm celebrating tonight.

First of all, I've given myself the night off from study.

Next, on the back of last night's blog post, a very kind and generous friend offered me an open bottle of Jo Malone Red Roses perfume. It's too strong for her and it makes her sneeze. The offer was accepted with much gratitude and something lovely will come her way very soon. I picked up the perfume tonight when I got home. (Thanks again, oh scented benefactor - your bottle is in a good home)

So what does somebody celebrate half a Masters with?

Well, I after picking up the perfume I had to go down to the shops to get some milk and what did I find?

Bacon ice cream. Yep. Pancake flavored ice cream with maple syrup and candied bacon pieces.

Do you get much better than that? There is still 75% of the tub in the freezer. It's lovely, but really rich. Just a little of it is enough.

Oh and I did my ironing.

How much celebrating can a woman take!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pand,

    Congratulations and well done.

    Bacon ice cream? Yuch!!



