Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Blog a Day June: The Night Off

There was supposed to be a meeting tonight, but it was cancelled.

So, what have I done instead?

1) Iced a cake.
2) Worked back a bit (but I am going to be in a little late tomorrow)
3) Booked tickets to Matilda for my birthday.
4) Watched a dodgy tattoo show.
5) Worked out what I'm going to call one of the characters in my new screenplay for school. (Bethan Evans...)
6) Berated myself for not working on the other screenplay.
7) Berated myself for not doing my ironing.
8) Washed the dishes.
9) Got my gym gear ready for tomorrow night,
10) Thought about plot points for the new screen play for school.
11) Watched another dodgy tattoo show (Tattoo Fixers)
12) Got things ready for the morning  - where I have to take in the said cake to work and let a tradie in at the temple.

And I call this a quiet night at home.

Better effort tomorrow.

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