Thursday, June 23, 2016

Blog a Day June: To Do List

It's a quick list blog today. Easier than trying to find a pen something decent. I'm too tired for that. It's hell week.

So, things I have to get done tonight:

  • Pack for the weekend (half done)
  • Get the council minutes done for the lodge (next week job)
  • Do a load of washing (done)
  • Get out the second duvet as it is freezing and it's double duvet time (done)
  • Get my coffee ready for the morning (done)
  • Work out what I'm wearing tomorrow (done)
  • Cut my toenails
  • Maybe do some ironing
  • Tidy up a bit - haven't been home all week - must be done. 

This would all be easier if I didn't turn on the new season of Orange is the New Black on to avoid the football.

Oh, I've just checked the scores.  Jay is a one eyed North Melbourne supporter. I'm a Crows Supporter. We beat them by 33 points. I'm not allowed to talk about the footy for the next few days.

Something better will come tomorrow.


  1. I applaud your restraint. We've been on double duvets for a month.

  2. I applaud your restraint. We've been on double duvets for a month.
