Sunday, August 21, 2016

Shannon's Moment's Meme - Part One

I am supposed to be at the gym. I'm writing instead. It's been a big weekend. It's set to get bigger as we're off to see Matilda tonight after a nice lunch at the Studley Park Boathouse later today. See, it's birthday weekend and there have bee many celebrations. I also have to work out when to finish a CV, do my food shopping, do my ironing  and try and get some rest in. So the gym didn't happen.

I have plans. You will see.

Questions, as always, are from Sunday Stealing.

1. Do you like blue cheese?

Yes. I like blue cheese. However, blue cheese does not like me and more than a taste sends my blood pressure through the roof and my gall bladder screaming, as proved last weekend when we had a Gorgonzola sauce on polenta chips and I suffered for a day. Great stuff, but we have to be sometimes friends.

2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? If yes, how did you quit?

I'm an ex-smoker. Only ever a social / light smoker thank goodness. I gave up about ten years ago when I started having blood pressure issues and I quit cold turkey. I only miss the social aspect of smoking.

3. Do you own a gun? How are your feelings about gun control/2nd amendment rights? 

Hell no. I'm Australian and we have very strict gun control laws here. I have no problem with farmers, soldiers, cops and gun club members owning guns> I've not too much problem with hunters owning single shot guns. But I also look at America's issues with gun control and shake  my head. Like why do you need so many guns? When the second amendment came through wasn't it so citizens could protect themselves from the British Militia with a single action musket? I don't get America's love of guns. Never have, never will.

4. What is your favorite flavor of water or liquor flavors?

I'm a lemon and vanilla fan. Either or. Love them both.

5. Do you get nervous before a doctor visit? Why?

Yes, but only because I ragged about my weight and blood pressure.

6. How do you like your hot dogs?

Okay, not an Australian thing, but I LOVE getting a hot dog from the Keith Roadhouse on the way to Adelaide. They do them like they used to when I was a kid. Toasted roll, lots of butter and tomato sauce. The Keith Roadhouse is a revelation (and in the middle of nowhere)

7. Although it’s been asked a lot, tell us about a favorite movie that you haven’t shared before.

I saw Sing Street on the plan back and forth from Sydney this week. Loved it.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

Coffee. Lots of coffee.

9. In a dating situation, have you ever misrepresented yourself to seem cooler or hipper? (Yes we know for most of you it was long ago…)

1) Can't remember being on a date. 2) I can't even pretend to be cool.

10. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? Why?

I've got a faux Cartier tank watch,. It's a good watch, but it didn't cost me five grand. it looks like a Cartier Tank watch, but it's not. Very fond of my Pandora bracelets too.

Image result for cartier tank

11. Favorite hobby? Tell us about it so we understand it.

I'm not sure if writing is a hobby or a vocation.

12. Do you have A.D.D., or have you suspected it?

No, I'm too chilled for that.

13. What’s a thing you dislike or would change about yourself?

I'd love to have a faster metabolism so I could eat a lot and remain slim.

14. Middle name? Like it or not?

Jane. It's boring and very late sixties.

15. Name three random thoughts you might have on this week:

1) I hope I get to see Maow Maow on the weekend.
2) What am I going to do with my screenplay.
3) I hope I don't get a certain tutor next semester.

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. Tell us a bit about them.

Gin and tonic. Best drink ever.
Coffee. It's life elixir. Much needed and necessary.
T2 teas. I feel virtuous drinking them.

17. Current worry: 

Staying employed in a job that I love.

18. Current annoyance:

Australia politics and Donald Trump. Both are dangerously annoying.

19. Favorite place to be in the summer? Give us a wee bit more than “the beach”.

Give me a decent beer garden with a glass of Pims. Or if it's over 35 degrees (read 100 Americans) I tend to put myself in a movie theatre.

20. How do you usually ring in the new year? If forced (how we’d do that without Judd coming to your house, if you even know who he was) to do something new, what would it be?

I'm normally in bed and asleep by midnight. Never been big into New Year's Eve.

21. What have you done this summer that’s special? Pictures please.

It's the middle of winter. I bought a new car yesterday.

22. Have you ever walked into a room with just shoes on? 

I'm not a big one for clothes at home, especially as I live alone, but I'm known, in Winter, for shoving on a pair of shoes to go into the kitchen-  as the tiles get really cold. 


  1. Same here, I always get worried whenever I go to a doctor, we just had our annual check up in the company I work for, and I got nervous. I didn't know the result yet but I didn't hear anything bad so far from admin so I guess I am okay. I am sure your blood pressure is okay though

  2. You know American history better than most Americans. Congrats on your new ride! Thanks for playing...

  3. Congratulations on the new car! And some Americans don't understand the love affair with guns - including me and I have a husband who collects them.

  4. "I don't get America's love of guns. Never have, never will." As a U.S. citizen, amen to that. It's nuts over here. Best wishes with your screenplay.

  5. I got a new car this year, too. Congrats to us both!
