Sunday, October 16, 2016

Wish List Meme part II

It is sooo nice to be home! And having a fairly quiet weekend. Okay, I've seen a film and a play, been to the gym and had lunch with friends and it is just lovely.

And now, it's Sunday night and I feel like I've had a relaxing time.

It's most fantastic.

Questins, as always, from Sunday Stealing.

26) Favorite kids name? 

I've always said that if I had a daughter, her middle name would be Serendipity. But I tend to like fairly traditional names as a rule.

27) Do you speak any other languages? 

I've got reasonable schoolgirl French, and have bit of Greek and Spanish under my belt. I can also order two beers in about ten languages :)

28.) Do you use Twitter? 

Not really. I have an account but rarely use it.

29.) Do you go onto YouTube? 

Not for much more than watching the odd music clip.

30) Do you play Angry Birds? 

I haven't for a few years - like five years. More of a Candy Crush person.

31) Do you like Angry Birds? 

The movie was a lot better than expected.

32) Do you like Hello Kitty? 

I don't get Hello Kitty, Not really my cup of tea.

33) Have you ever cried because you were so happy? 

Yes. I'm that sort of person.

34) Who would you like to see in concert? 

I'm seeing The Pixies in March. Can't wait. Would also love to see Sixto Rodriguez in concert. he's amazing.

35) Can you swim well? 

I'm not a bad swimmer - just don't do enough of it.

36) Ever won a contest? 

Yes. I've won a couple of writing competitions - one reaped me in a round the world airline ticket. Not bad, eh.

37) Ever won a giveaway? 

I seem to pick up movie tickets regularly, which is good - as I love movies.

38) Do you get a full 8 hours of sleep every night? 

No - I'm more a 6-7 hours of sleep person.

39) What tea do you like? 

Generally I drink boring old English Breakfast or Earl Grey, but I've got a good selection of T2 teas in the flat. Love the Chocolate Chilli one.

40) What coffee do you like?  

My normal order is a large skinny cappuccino.

41) Do you shop at Walmart? 

We don't have Walmart in Australia.

42) Do you shop at Target?   

Yes. They are great for work clothes over here.

43) What do you order at Second Cup?   

No idea what Second Cup is - not a chain we have in Australia.

45) Do you like homemade meals? 

Of course. Beats restaurant food as it's cooked with love.

46) Do you like homemade baked goods? 

Of course - they are the best.

47) Do you shop online?

Of course. Ebay is my friend. And lots of alternative cosmetics are bought from there.

48) Name 3 stores online stores you would like to shop at: 


They'd be great to have in the malls.

49) What holiday don't you like? 

I don't think I'd ever go on a cruise.

50) What do you eat more of when you're sick?

I only drink fruit juice when I'm ill. And I have a friend who brings me over great chicken soup if I'm not well - which is wonderful.


  1. Winning a trip around the world is a great score. I bet that was fun too.

  2. Wow, you must have quite the good luck charm. And I feel silly because I didn't even know there *was* an Angry Birds movie.

  3. It seems none of us get 8 hrs sleep.

  4. I enjoyed the Sixto Rodriguez video.
