Saturday, November 19, 2016

Song a Day November: Zombie

We spent last week at school looking at copyright, copyleft and the joys of the intricacies of intellectual property, which is why I've thought to put this song up today.

After the court case around Robin Thicke and his Blurred Lines song being sued by the estate of Marvin Gaye I got to wondering just where to these blurrred lines stop.

This song came on the radio as I was driving home from dinner last night. A fun song. A great song.

But why hasn't Firsher Z sued him for ripping of his song. Have a listen to this - you ask me, it's the same song.

I think Billy Joel could get in on the act too for some bits that seem to have come straight from this:

This copyright stuff leaves my head in a spin. 

However, when Zomibe comes on the car radio, I end up singing one of the other two songs. Is this just a fluke or the way my brain is wired? Something to think about anyway.

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