Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Mommy Time Questions

Despite the dodgy title of these questions, they are not too bad.

I'm in assignment mode - for which I am not doing too badly. 2000 out o a 3000 word story is complete and the planning is done for the monster 5000 work paper due on 8 May.

So I'm not in a bad place, but I have a LOT of work to do - thank goodness for ANZAC Day on Tuesday.

Questions, as always, from Sunday Stealing.

1. What are five passions that you have? (If you have less than five, tell us what you do have interests.)

  • Writing
  • Travelling
  • Cinema
  • Movies
  • Reading

2. List up to ten random facts about yourself.

  1. I topped my school in Chemistry and French.
  2. I have webbed toes on my right foot
  3. The scar in my eyebrow comes from when my sister donged me over the head with a golf club when I was eleven.
  4. I lived in London for eight years
  5. I love the smell of dog's paws first thing in the morning.
  6. I would love to run a writer's retreat one day.
  7. I have a birthmark on the back of my left calf - my niece had the same birthmark.
  8. I have never worn my hair shorter than a bob.
  9. I am a passionate fifth-generation South Australian.
  10. I am VERY proud of my five uncles who participated in the trenches of World War One (Gallipoli, Alexandria and the Western Front - all support crew - drivers, ambulance men, signalmen and a bugler)

3. List five people (personal, historic, living or dead) who have had a major impact on your life or the way you think.

  • JK Rowling
  • Dr Spencer Johnson - author of "Who Moved My Cheese"
  • Thomas a Becket
  • Leon the hypnotherapist
  • Shakespeare

4. List 5 things you'd tell your 15 year-olds self, if you could.

  1. Things ARE going to get better.
  2. Exercise more - you will learn to love it.
  3. Just shut up - pick your battles - there are some not worth fighting.
  4. You are not fat. Seriously.
  5. Learn to let go with grace. It is a skill you will learn to love.

5. What is a major strength that you have? (You can list more than one. Staying with our no rules approach.)

I am loyal, kind and tenacious. I think these are wonderful strengths.

6. What is a major weakness that you have? (You can list more than one. STILL staying with our no rules approach.)

Other than ice cream?  I get bored easily - and it can get destructive.

7. Describe the family dynamic of your childhood versus your family dynamic now.

Passive-aggressive. It wasn't a particularly happy home.

8. What popular notion do you feel that the world has most wrong?

Other than that trickle down economics works (For fuck's sake, it doesn't) Conservative values are really not a good thing at all - they're a crock of shite - particularly where it comes to women's and reproductive rights. Get your hands off my ovaries and go find something of your own to fuck up.

9. Name three things that always cheers you up when you are down.

  • Cuddles
  • Ice Cream
  • Movies

10. Name three things would you like to be remembered for?

  • The fantastic novel that I will write
  • My kindness
  • My sense of humour


  1. It amazes me how similar most of us are in many of these questions

  2. "Just shut up - pick your battles - there are some not worth fighting."
    Oh Doctor, that is one thing to learn as early as possible.
    My family life involved a lot of violence. It took awhile to get back to the sweetness once had when we lived with my mother's parents while soldier dad was away.
