Sunday, July 23, 2017

Around the House Meme

Okay, I'm recovering from a rancid cold, I am 12000 words down on my uni assignment and I have finally got all of the lodge paperwork out the way. Joy.

I've still go to do the ironing and a bit more writing to do, but as always, it is good to get Sunday Stealing's questions out of the way. You're doing a great job, Bev.

Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule? 

In bed by 11 pm, wake at six on weekdays, out of bed at seven. That is about normal.

Kitchen: favorite comfort food?

Cheese on toast. Baked beans on toast.

Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?

I love baths, but I only have a shower in my flat. Nice soap always can be found in the shower stall.

Closet: sum up your style in a few words.

Black, grey, red, simple.

Parlor: favorite party or board game?

Monopoly - though I'm known to cheat. I like playing pool too if there is a table available.

Living room: what do you like to do with your family?

We normally sit and watch telly or talk around the dinner table. That is when I am over with them.

Dining room: favorite special occasion food?

Roast lamb. Love's Mum's roast lamb.

Garden: favorite tree? flower?

I'm a rose fan. Love roses.

Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?

Possibly my flute. I never play it, but I still have it in the cupboard. That at the teddy my grandfather gave me at birth.

Library: favorite book genre?

Literary fiction.

Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?


Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?

Of course, but I can't remember the last time I slept at somebody else's place. Ages ago it was.

Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?

Small gatherings. Much better at those.

Pantry: favorite meal to make?

Chicken meatballs and pasta. It's a Gary Megihan recipe.

Laundry: favorite and least favorite chore?

Anything to do with cleaning floors.

Garage: favorite mode of transportation? favorite car?

I love travelling by boats - ferries are great.

Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?

I was stuck in a moving lift (elevator) for about half an hour. That was really scary. Got out unscathed thank goodness.

Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favorite look? 

I only wear a little make up - eyeliner and mascara, with a bit of lipstick. I only put on foundation for special occasions.


  1. Since I retired my "income" comes from reviewing theater. It tickles me that my husband puts "writer" on our income tax form as my occupation ( tho i only make ~$100 on a good month. )

  2. I would be terrified if stuck in an elevator! (I wonder if there's cellular signal with all the surrounding steel?)

    Ditto what you said about boat travel. Funny, I get all wigged-out while flying if there comes a bump ... but they're fun and exciting while on the water.

  3. I used to have a flute and I sold it. I have regretted it on occasion. I am pretty sure it was solid silver and not the more tinny sounding ones they make now. At the time I don't think I knew what I had. Live and learn, I guess.
