Sunday, October 15, 2017

The What's a Crush meme

Blog time. I've had a lovely, but not very productive weekend. really do have to get on with the study.

Anyway, on with the questions, supplied, as always, by Sunday Stealing.

1. What do you find hilarious, but most people don’t find funny?

Death - a lot of the time.

2. What was the best year of your life so far?

This year has been pretty good. 2010 was good too.

3. What’s your favorite thing to do on the Internet?

Probably Facebook and blogging.

4. What fad have you held on to even tho it isn’t popular any more?

Pokemon Go. I still play daily.

5. What do you spend most of your time doing?

Working and writing.

6. What do you spend way too much money on?

Theatre tickets and makeup.

7. What event, large or small, has changed the course of your life most?

The death of my niece. The reverberations are still being felt.

8. Who do you have a hard time taking seriously?

Anybody who's a Liberal/National politician - horrid scumbags that they are (if you're American, think Republican)

9. What do you judge people for most often?

Liberal/National Politicians

10. What was the most beautiful view you have ever experienced?

The Scottish Highlands are amazing.

11. What is something you read or heard that has stuck with you for a long time?

Slaughterhouse Five has never really left me.

12. What’s your favorite thing to shop for.  Why?

Red lipstick. A girl can never have enough red lipstick.

13. What’s the best compliment someone can receive?

"You're really intelligent."

14. What’s something people go on and on about and you just can’t stand sitting through?

The "No" campaign for this marriage equality survey Australia is being put throught

15. What’s something you can do that most people can’t?

Use scissors left-handed.

16. When was the last time you tried to look cool and ended in embarrassment?

That would be most of the time. I am so not cool.

17. What is the most ridiculous rule you have to follow?

I'm not sure I agree with the blanket bike helmet rule we have around here.

18. What country do you not know the location of, even though you should?

Venezuela - I have a rough idea, but yeah, it's somewhere in South America.

19. What do you have a hard time with but most people find quite easy?

Using scissors with my right hand.

20. What’s the most impressive skill you have?

I write fairly well.


  1. I am SO lucky to be a theater critic. We see bout 60 shows a year and I don't have to pay for any of them. I have the scissors thing too. I am left handed and do have (but usually don't use) left-handed scissors, but I don't have any problem with normal scissors. My husband doesn't understand why not.

  2. The reverberations from the death of a love one can last forever it seems to me :(
