Sunday, December 17, 2017

The It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Xmas Meme

Well, I have to say that since the death of my niece two years ago, Christmas  has really lost what lustre it had - not that it had much to begin with. We're going to be celebrating a form of Christmas in early February, where we can put the hard memories away.

Questions, as per usual, are provided from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. What’s your favorite thing about the holidays?

Time off work. (but this is is cancelled out by no office air conditioning.

2. Do you send out Christmas cards and if so how many do you send?


3. Be honest: holiday newsletters. Love ‘em or hate ‘em?

Depends on who is sending them.

4. Be honest: photo cards. Love ‘em or hate ‘em?

Not an Australian tradition.

5. How soon do you start shopping?

Early November. Get little bits and pieces to take away some of the stress.

6. Real or fake tree?

No tree - but real ones smell good.

7. When do you put up your tree?

I don't

8. When do you take down your tree?

No tree to take down.

9. Describe your typical tree (size, decorations, type)

No tree, nothing to describe.

10. What do you top your tree with?

No tree to decorate - but a good star is hard to beat.

11. Do you put Christmas lights outside your house?

I have a strand in front of the telly.

12. Is there a wreath hanging on your door?


13. Do you hang up stockings?

Hell no. Besides, nowhere to hang them.

14. Your favorite Christmas Movie(s)

Die Hard. (technically it is a Christmas movie)

15. Be honest: A Christmas movie you don't like

That one with Reece Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn was pretty ordinary.

16. Favorite Christmas Song(s)

Fairytale of New York.

17. Be honest: If I hear this/these Christmas songs again I will throw up

Jingle Bells. Over it.

18. Give or Receive?


19. Eggnog or Mulled Cider?

It's Australia - too hot for those, but cold egg nog is lovely.

20. Ham or Turkey?

When we do Xmas in my family, we do seafood - suits the weather better.

1 comment:

  1. It's not the main dish, but we always have shrimp at Christmas. It doesn't seem right without it. I think a seafood dinner sounds great.
