Wednesday, May 23, 2018

89 Days: Onwards


I say, 'onwards'.
Life kicks you in the guts.
I say 'onwards'.
Life takes the carpet out from under you.
You find yourself wallowing in the pit of despair.
'On you go.'
Your dog has died, your cat has fleas,
You feel you're dying by degrees.
'On you go, be on your way,
Life will turn around one day.'
Just, onwards.

It's the only way to go.

Friends are amazing things. My friends are gold. You know who you are. Thank you.

I am playing the glad game a lot at the moment.

I am grateful for:

  • My health
  • My heart
  • My friends
  • That I am resilient
  • That I don't wallow for too long
  • That I will be able to use the events of yesterday to move forward.
Just, onwards.

I might write about the third degree ceremony I participated in last night at another time.

There is a lot going on in my life at the moment.

There is a lot to be grateful for.


Today's Song:

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