Friday, June 22, 2018

59 Days: A Night on the Couch

Following the hottie disaster the night before leaving my bed like a child's paddling pool, it was to be that I'd be spending the night on the couch. When I got home last night, the mattress was still damp  - not as bad as it was that morning - there was no way I as going to sleep on it.

Last evening was spent dousing the mattress with bicarb soda, hoovering the stuff up and applying heat from my hairdryer liberally and often to the offending piece of furniture until about midnight. By then, although a lot of the moisture had subsided, but I gave up I gave up my efforts for the night.

So I spent the night on the couch.

On the good side of things, I bought a new couch late last year. It's big. It's leather. It is very comfortable. A six foot adult and lie down on it happily and still have feet room. Although it's a bit narrow, this was not the worst thing in the world to sleep on.

However, on waking this morning, I truly felt like I had slept the night on the couch. It's not the same as being tucked into my lovely comfy bed. The support isn't the same.

But it's better than sleeping in a puddle.

So the day didn't got off to a great start. I ran ten minutes late to let a tradie into the temple thanks to the sluggish feeling that comes from a mediocre night's sleep. He was forgiving - he's been late in me in the past, so we're even.

I was at work by nine, but it's been hard to get stuck into anything today.

Having a week left of this contract, it's quite hard to focus on much. I think the term is checked out. There are a few of us in the same boat. The work is getting done, but some of the enthusiasm has gone.

It was my monthly engineer's lunch today. That's been a bright spot. After work, I'm having a spot of dinner with Jay before we go to see a play - The House of Bernarda Alba at the Melbourne Theatre Company. I also need to find 15 minutes to do an online interview.

It's hard getting any enthusiasm for anything today.

I put it down to an average sleep which was had on the couch.

The bed should be dry enough to sleep in later tonight.

Nevertheless, I will persist.


Today's Song:

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