Tuesday, June 12, 2018

69 Days: David Byrne

When asked, what was the best concert I have ever been to, three come to mind.

Hunters and Collectors at the Tivoli in Adelaide in about 1990. Just for the power of the trumpets and drums. Amazing stuff.

The Pixies at the V Festival at the Gold Coast about 12 years ago was sublime. The Pixies hadn't been here for 20 years. Kim Deal was still on the bass (though Paz Lenchatin is an admirable replacement). The Pixies are awesome no matter when.

But probably the most memorable concert I've ever gone to was seeing David Byrne from Talking Heads at the Brixton Academy in the early 90s.

It was sublime.

He did two sets. The first was him solo with a small band. They did a lot of Talking Heads staples. After a short break - long enough to get another pint and go to the loo, he came on with a 45 piece Mariachi band - and they were AWESOME.

He did a cover of the Rolling Stone's Sympathy for the Devil as the last song of the second encore.

It went on for 20 minutes. Wooo Woooo....

David Byrne is playing in Melbourne in November. Who's coming with me?

Today's Song:

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