Wednesday, July 25, 2018

25 Days: On the Walk to Work

An interesting morning commute was had this morning. Not so much that the tram journey was uneventful, but the conversation that was had from the tram stop to the way to work was excellent.

I'd run into our Wednesday Pump instructor. Like most of the people at the gym that I run into regularly, we're on chatting terms, though it is always strange seeing people out o gym gear. Casey is a great pump instructor. She's also South Australian and a lawyer by training - this makes her an interesting person to me.

I asked her what she did in her public service job.

By day, out of gym clothes, she's a policy officer with the health department.  She's currently writing policy around the Assisted Dying Legislation that was passed a few months ago.

I wish I had a job as interesting and worthy as this (not that there is anything wrong with writing documents for an energy company - but her job is sooooo much more worthwhile.)

So as we walked towards our respective offices, we got into a discussion about this new act.

Something which both of us are heartily in favour.

How fascinating must it be to write policy around these new and challenging laws. I say challenging in the way that some people can't see the benefit of this law.

Casey and I are on the same page. It's a bit like the same sex marriage laws in Australia. From what I can see, the sky hasn't fallen in yet.

Allowing the dying to have the ability to end their life with dignity sounds like a very good thing to me. If you want to take these options, you have to go through many hoops - numerous visits to psychiatrists, doctors and lawyers. You need to be dying. Your condition needs to have an end date. This isn't a decision that is taken lightly. This is a highly monitored and regulated process. It's not about knocking off Nana for the inheritance.

If you don't like the law, you don't have to use it. It's a bit like same sex marriage. If you don't like it, don't marry somebody of the same sex... but don't stop other people from having the opportunity to marry the person they love.

Having witnessed a couple of people in the last days of their lives, suffering terribly, I wonder if they had this legal right if they would want to take this on. To give them the option of the dignity of ending their lives before the unbearable pain set in, to me, seems a very humane thing.

I know this is an emotive issue, but listening to Casey talk about her work, and what she does every day, I felt a bit envious - envious that she is helping the community in such a role. It also felt good to know that there's people like this going out to bat for the community.

The quick chat made me ponder what it would be like in such a role too.

It was a good way to start the day.

Today's Song:

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