Tuesday, July 3, 2018

48 Days: The Technicality

My kid brother challenged me to posting a song which was less than five years old for a week. He says that I only listen to music which was produced when he was in primary school. My kid brother is 26. He is very cheeky.

I will admit - I've struggled with this challenge. My music comes from the eighties and nineties. I have really eclectic tastes, which run from The Pixies and Talking Heads, right through Phil Collins and Billy Joel (apologies to anybody who lived next to me at college) through to the best of Brit Pop and some Australian classics.

So ask me to actually name some songs which were actually produced in the last five years. Yeah, well.... next question. Let's go back to who is better - Talking Heads or the Violent Femmes.

There is gym music, which I have drawn on. Gym music is the music which is on the screens at the gym, normally filed with women wearing very few clothes making suggestive moves with their hips, singing about umbrellas, which aren't umbrellas.

I also buy the Triple J Hot 100 most years, though lately, I've begun to wonder what all this crap is about. There are a few good things on these compilations - but not that many.

And okay, I like Tash Sultana, Amy Shark, The Wombats and Alt-J - they are on serious rotation in the car.

But I've had a bit of trouble with this last song. Finding a song which I really like, but was made in the last five years.

So I've got this one on a technicality. The song was produced in 2016. The band - The Pixies, have been around since the late eighties. It's from their latest album - Head Carrier - which has a Bossanova feel about it. (Bossanova, the album, not the dance style).

So I am now feeling thankful I can go back to not having find a young song.

But the challenge is completed - and this will go on to finding songs that I like for my song of the day (and my ultimate play list).

Today's Song:

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