Wednesday, August 1, 2018

18 Days: Another Early Start

Peeeeetttteeeeeee, Peeeeeeettttteeeeeee, Peeeeettttteeeeeee.

Today was my last session with Peeeeeeettttteeeeeee. Cleo will be back next week and we might get a bit of order back into life. And hopefully fewer early mornings.

Due to Peeeeeeetttttteeeeeee taking on most of Cleo's clients, getting a spot with him has proved hard. I've had the Wednesday 6.15 am slot for the last five weeks.

Call me a masochist, call me just too accommodating. This morning training session is not as bad as it sounds. I'm normally awake at 6 am - it also means I get my exercise out of the way for the day and gives me my nights free.

Something else about today - I've felt a bit under the weather for the last few days. I've been fighting off something resembling a cold, like the rest of the office. I'm thankful for a couple of early nights, oregano oil and the horse pills supplied by the naturopath, which have kept the cold at bay.  From feeling quite crappy on Monday night, I'm pretty much back to normal.

So I woke at 5.45 am, dressed, tied my hair up, shoved on my gym glasses and made my way to the gym.

Ten hours on, I'm trying to work out what he did to me to make me feel like I've run a marathon.

For one, my bum hurts. I can't remember doing anything too bad. 40 kgs dead lifts shouldn't do that. High/Low wood chops don't hurt. 10 kg chest presses. Tricep dips - I forgot I could do those. Ball slams - with the bouncy 7 kg ball - not the normal 4 kg ball. TRX rows. Shoulder presses.

There is no reason why my bum should be hurting. Or the rest of me. It's nothing too bad. But it all hurts. Maybe it's the last of the cold type thing. I don't know.

Another thing about Peeeeeeettttteeeeeee's sessions  - especially when Jay isn't there - we talk. We talk a lot. And we talk about stuff that I normally talk about with my friend Mack - who's just as strange as I am. Oh, and sometimes Barney and I go on a rant - which is quite fun.

Topics covered this morning:
  • The Illuminati and the Reptilian Agenda
  • How Stanley Kubrick was a satanist
  • How to wield energy like a boss
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the joys of planking into your eighties
  • What happens in an energy clearing session
  • How he's killed most of his goldfish except the one he's called Barry. 
Seriously, who calls a goldfish Barry? Of all the topics of conversation.

"Pete, do you talk to all of your clients about stuff like this?"
"No, just you."
"Why me?"
"You don't think I'm nuts - and you get it."

All of this occurred before 7 am.

I think Peeeeeeeetttttteeeeeeee needs to find his tribe. He's young. He will find his tribe eventually. 

And I wonder why I'm sore and tired. Working out with Peeeeeeeettttteeeeeeeee when Jay isn't around takes more mental agility than physical strength.

When Jay is around, we talk about football.

As I said, we'll be back to normal on Monday. We will go back to waving at Peeeeeeeettttteeeeeee in the distance.

I have a feeling Cleo will be upping the weights when she gets back next week.

And part of me will miss these very strange chats I have with this rather darling bloke at 6.15 in the morning. It's been some of the best entertainment you can have on a cold August morning

Today's Song:

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