Thursday, August 16, 2018

3 Days: Days of Wonder

I sit here in this little patch of paradise. My beer, a Bintang, sits next to my laptop and the channa, which is on the desk here where I sit. It is 8.30 in the evening here in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. There is a fountain bubbling behind me, aerating the water for the large koi who live in the pond next to the swimming pool.

My friends are sitting having drinks nearby. I have joined them for a bit, and I will go back to them soon, but I've committed to writing this blog every day until my birthday, and Lord be damned if I don't finish this challenge.

But I am tired. Too tired. A swim after dinner has helped my second wind, but after rising at 4.30 this morning to pick up Blarney at 6 am, arrive at the airport at 7 am, a 9 am flight to Denpasar, an hour an a half drive to Ubud - I'm knackered. My introvert's catatonia has set in, but it will pass. Thankfully I am among friends, who get that I need space and time out.

I'm not used to having so many people around me - but I will survive. I'll adapt - and I'll be fine when I'm not so tired. But after living alone for the last twenty years, being around people full time gets a bit of getting used to.

I've been in Bali for about six hours now - and it's not changed.

Some things I've witnessed so far:
  1. There doesn't appear to be road rage around here. The drivers are all loopy, but there isn't road rage. The horn is applied liberally and people just get on with it. It's very cool - in a rather scary way. 
  2. The Balinese are awesome people.
  3. Monkeys are scary.
On arriving at our villa, which is located a stone's throw away from the monkey forest, we alighted the cars to see a girl with a shanghai. Looking up there were monkeys on the telegraph wires.  

To get to our villa, you go back behind a restaurant, up a small flight of stairs and through a blissful garden. Look up at any given time and you will see monkeys. There are signs up around the place warning us not to leave our small possessions around the place as the monkeys will pinch them. 

Oh what fun. Possums don't give these sorts of troubles. 

But we are here, in Bali.

And I feel very blessed.

Even if I am having trouble putting a coherent sentence together.

I have a lot to say - I'm just a bit too tired to say it.

Today's Song:

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