Monday, August 13, 2018

6 Days: The Gentle Art of Over-Packing

One day I will learn to travel light.

I've started to pack for Bali.

What I tend to do is really overpack, then, the night before, I'll throw out a number of things and get the weight down a bit. What is good to know is that for the week I'm away I will not be taking the 20 kgs of luggage I am entitled to shove in the hold - it will be more like 12-13 kilos.

Also, the things that are taking up room in the bag include:

  • Some extra clothes for Trish (who is meeting us there - she's been on the road for six weeks already)
  • Trivial Pursuit
  • Cards Against Humanity
  • A couple of books 
  • Laptop charger
  • Spare mouse
  • Swimming goggles
  • Yoga gear.
  • Far too many charging cords
Yes, I'm taking my laptop - so I can write - and keep in touch with a few people while away. 

I do remember when you could go away and you didn't have to take all this crap with you - when being overpacked meant that you took a pack of cards with you. (Hmmmm... might have to dig those out).

The Trivial Pursuit is an 80s version of the game. The Cards Against Humanity is the basic run of the game.

To be honest, I can't wait to get there.

I just have to cull the contents of my bag first. 

Today's Song:

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