Sunday, August 19, 2018

Oh Shit: The ID Questions Meme

Well, it's my birthday, but I am still going to do my Sunday blog. It's my 50th birthday and I will blog if I want to.

So I'm sitting here in my bathers (swimming costume) on the balcony of the villa, with a beer in my hand after a visit to an amazing water temple - and it is all awesome. It's even a warm, sunny day - I'm not used to having hot birthdays - it's normally cold and teeming with rain. Making life even more interesting, we have to shoo away the monkeys, who get a bit too close every now and then.

For today, I've put my favourite ever song on the planet. It always has been my favourite song - it always will be.

Anyway, here is my birthday blog post - and I have come to the end of my three months of blogging. It will be interesting to see if I continue.

Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1: 3 Fears

Not being able to find a job when I want one, going down stairs and escalators, open water.

2: 3 things I love

My friends and family, Maow Maow, swimming. The last one changes - but I love swimming. Swimming every morning before breakfast at the moment - and I love it.

3: 4 turns on

A sharp mind. A wicked sense of humour. A perfectly hair chest - not too much, not too little, but just right (and I am fortunate that I get to see one fairly regularly... oops, too much information. ) A mellifluous voice - think Kenneth Brannagh, Tom Hiddleston or even, I hate to say it, Harvey Spector - needs a bit of gravel in it).

4: 4 turns off

Rudeness, blond hair, those who don't look after themselves, men who aren't clean. Personal hygiene is everything.

5: My best friend

I don't have a best friend, I have best friends. I am with many of them here in Bali. Then there is Geetangeli and Mariah, who I rarely see, but they are up there. And my kid brother - but he is my kid brother, even if he is not a blood relation.  I am blessed in this way.

6: My favorite book

Do I really have to name one?  It's one of the following:

  • Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres
  • The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan
  • The Crimson Petal and the White by Michel Faber
  • The Last Painting of Sara de Vos by Dominic Smith
  • Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
There are others that should be on this list.

7: My best first date

Oh, I had this one date with this ex-advertising exec who was just lovely. There was a lovely, soft kiss at the end of the night. Bolloxed that one up good and proper, but I remember it as a great evening.

8: How tall am I

About 167 cms in the new currency - or 5'5" and a half.

9: What do I miss

Reindert who now lives in Colorado. Sometimes I miss bread and ice cream and coffee, but I'm managing well.

10: What time were I born

2.35 pm in the afternoon.

11: Favorite color

It's a toss up between pillar box red, cobalt blue and teal.

12: Do I have a crush

Oh, other than Clive Owen and Harvey Spector - not really.

13: Favorite quote

“What else is there to say? You carry grudges and regrets for decades, tend them like gravesite vigils, then even after you lay them down they linger on the periphery, waiting to ambush you all over again.”

Dominic Smith, The Last Painting of Sara de Vos.

14: Favorite place

At the moment, Ubud. It is soooooo great being back here. It really is my mother ship.

15: Favorite food

At the moment, cashew nuts. It used to be ice cream, but alas, that's off the menu for the forseeable future.

16: Do I use sarcasm

Does a bear shit in the woods? Like der...

17: What am I listening to right now

The hum of the air conditioner, the crickets, the water fountain bubbling away and my tapping away at the keyboard.

18: First thing I notice in new person

If they have a smile behind their eyes. If that isn't there, I'm not interested.

19: Eye color

A dark green, with hints of grey and blue.

20: Hair color

Thanks to a lovely hairdresser, it's a deep brown. There are a few greys at my temples. 

Now, do I keep up this blogging daily? That is the question?

Today's song: (the best song in the world)


  1. Happy birthday to you!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!
    I loved your answers! Harvey Spector would be a good crush to have, he is a handsome man. I love that show!
    Blogging, now that I have started back to work, I do these memes on the weekend and one personal blog post a week. It is hard to keep up with blogging when I am working, but I am going to try.
    Have a nice day!

  2. Happy Birthday my Aussie friend! I'm glad you are loving the warmth and sun.

    Congrats on the three solid months of blogging. I hope you keep blogging even if not every day. You have a unique "voice" on this planet and it's been a pleasure to listen to it.

    Your answers were fun, and I liked the bear in the woods take on sarcasm. lol

  3. Happy birthday! I had no idea you were 50. I thought you were about 20 years younger! You must have a youthful heart. I hope your day has been special.

  4. Hi Pand,

    mmm - Mrs PM doesn't like blonds either. Shame that I am blond. I must have won her over with my rudeness and poor hygiene - er sorry - charm and after shave.

    Blonds rule.



