Saturday, August 25, 2018

The End of the Break

Why are holidays always far busier than actual working days ? Why, oh why? How is it you have to sit on a plane for a few hours and stay somewhere that has dodgy telecommunications to really shut off? Why can't you just relax around your city without finding you have 365 things to do?

So I'm back from Bali - though most of me wishes I stayed longer. It was an amazing break. As it was the first time I'd every been on an extended holiday with friends, it was great to find out that I can do the friend's holiday - and I think some new friendships were forged over the week away, which is great to see.

Okay, so I got back and the fun started.

Firstly, there was a cat to spring from solitary confinement. Poor Maow Maow (my arse) was at home alone and being fed by friends. I went round to Blarney's to find him sitting mournfully in the window, waiting for somebody to turn up. Needless to say, on entering the house, I received a cat bath for about ten minutes. Once my skin was satisfactorily exfoliated, he happily went into the cat carrier and came home with me. He's been a big ball of sook every since, but much happier being around people.

Then there was yesterday - where the day went from having  a vivid dream (more on that later) to racing around like a headless chook. A lot was achieved:

  • A session in the gym with Jay and Cleo
  • The monthly engineering lunch at Nandos
  • Picked up the mail
  • Went and talked to the bank about RAS tokens
  • Bought a party dress for next week
  • Changed a theatre ticket
  • Got some mason's paperwork done
  •  Activated some nuts
  • Cooked dinner
Today hasn't been much better.

So far I've been to meditation, had my hair cut and coloured, gone food shopping and done more mason's stuff. I spent my time in the hairdressers chair multi-tasking, checking on the birthday cake, arranging transport for a friend to'm the party, doing my footy tips (a day late, oh well) doing some cleaning, made hummus... the list goes on. 

And tomorrow will be similar - when all I would like to do is sit in front of the telly and watch Orange is the New Black - and maybe do a bit more cleaning.

I also have to start job hunting - gee won't that be fun. 

On the good side of things, there was the dream. I told Vee,  my old dream group leader about this and she rubbed her hands with glee. See, I woke to the most vivid dream the other morning. One of those dreams where you don't know if you're awake or asleep.

I woke to the cat snuggling up next to me (as Maow Maow is with me at the moment, this is what probably confused me) I got up, went out into the flat to find it being reonovated. The carpet was pulled, up, the place was in a mess. It felt like there were workman around the place. I looked around. The kitchen was fairly intact, but there was a new room in the place. There was also a large ginger cat walking around the place. I was a bit worried about this as Maow Maow is a bit of a lone wolf and doesn't like to share his human. 

It took me a good few minute to work out that this was all a dream. I haven't had a vivid dream like that for years.

According to Vee, this is a mot wonderful sign that things are changing for the better. Me - I just want to find the ginger cat. It's a pity I'm too busy to go find him.

Today's song:

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