Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Food Again Meme

I am working on Freemasons pack. Or more to the point, I have been working on this pack of information for some Freemason's business for the last week - I think it's been finalised now - thank goodness.

And the cat has just gone home - I will miss her - she's a sweet little thing.

Anyway, not it's blog time. Question as always from Bev and Sunday Stealing.

1.   Ever had ramen noodles? How do you fix yours? Do you add anything to them

Yes I've had ramen noodles - there are heaps of ramen places around where I work - being near Chinatown. I've been known to have mine with chicken broth, chicken pieces and a bit of chili and black vinegar. Everything like this is better with black vinegar.

2.   Do you like spicy foods?

Hell yeah. Bring on Mexican, Indian, Malaysian, Thai, Indonesian food - please.

3.   Crispy or grilled chicken on your salad?

Grilled chicken. Better for you.

4.   Do you like corn on the cob?

I do, but it is messy to eat - and needs to be served with lashings of butter. Also, since I was in Bali and a monkey stole my corn off my plate, I'm not sure if I like it any more. Bloody monkeys.

5.   Pumpkin or apple pie?

Apple pie. Pumpkin is a savoury dish - best for pumpkin soup or roast pumpkin which goes with any sort of roast. I'm Australian - pumpkin is not for sweets.

6.   Dinner rolls or crescent rolls?

Crescent rolls? Are you talking about croissants? I like really fresh dinner rolls - but they must be fresh. And crusty.

7.   How do you like your eggs?

I just like eggs. I do love them medium poached. If I can get them as a salmon benedict, even better.

8.   Most expensive meal you have ever eaten?

I went to Vue de Monde last year. I think it came to about $350 with a couple of glasses of wine. It was amazing. The food was incredible. The views amazing. It was a great night.

9.   Do you like stir fry?

Yes. It does depend on what is in it though.

10.  What kind of pots and pans do you use?

I've been trying to replace my cheap pans with some better, solid stainless steel ones. They are an investment. I also love my Tupperware pressure cooker.

11.   Do you like Brussel sprouts?

They are okay. I won't cook them, but I will eat them if put in front of me/

12.   Canned or fresh tomatoes?

Fresh tomatoes are better for salads - they are even better in Greece where they are sweet and taste like apples. The canned ones are easy when cooking.

13.   BBQ Chicken or Ribs?

BBQ Chicken is a staple for any Australian who doesn't feel like cooking, especially as every supermarket has them readily. Ribs are great, but you have to find them.

14.   Do you like coffee?

I love coffee - but I have been forced to give it up - and I feel a lot better for it. My staple 'coffee' now is a decaf almond latte.

15.   Cupcakes or ice cream cake?

Cupcakes - but this is a bit of a moot point as I'm trying to stay gluten and diary free. Ice cream cake always tastes strange over here.

16.   Hot dogs or polish sausage?

Hot dogs. The best ones are found at the Keith BP Roadhouse on the way to Adelaide. Toasted bun, lashings of sauce and butter. We do hot dogs a bit differently over here, my American friends.

17.   Do you like cinnamon toast?

Yep - again, is this like French toast? The best, which can be found here, uses challah, and is found at Cafe Delish on Bambra Road in Caulfield.

18.   Do you eat dinner at the table or in front of the TV?

I live alone, so I'm normally at the table in front of the telly.

19.   Do you like to BBQ?

Of course. It's the Australian national dish.

20.   Do you like cold cuts?

Is that like sliced cold meat? Yeah, it's fine in moderation in summer. And I do miss fritz. It's an Adelaide thing. Mention fritz outside of Adelaide and nobody knows what you're talking about. (I think it can be equated to mystery luncheon meat. But you only get it in Adelaide.)

21.   Do you like rice?

Yes - but I prefer brown or red rice over white rice.

22.   Macaroni and cheese?

That's American food. Also gluten and dairy - so no point. It's okay. A Mexican friend makes the best Mac and Cheese.

23.   Key Lime Pie?

Also an American thing, which I believe is like a baked lime cheesecake - and there was a restaurant in London which did a great one. As it contains gluten and dairy, there is no point in it for me.

24.   Favorite Fair/Carnival Food?

I'm a bit partial to fairy floss (or candy floss it is known of in America) Toffee apples and dagwood dogs are great too.

25.   What kind of gravy do you like?

Gravy is gravy. Does it come in any other form other than chicken or onion?

26.   Jalapeno Poppers?

Oh yes please! Again, good memories of these when I was in drama classes in London. The pub we went to after class did legendary poppers.

27.   Broccoli/Chicken Alfredo?

Neither - I'm not into creamy sauced pastas - and as I'm gluten and dairy free, there is no point.

28.   Do you like cottage cheese?

Not really. The creamed cottage cheese is fine - the stuff that looks like congealed sick not so much.

29.   Do you like lasagna?

No. I got a really bad case of food poisoning from lasagne (note spelling) many years ago and I've not been able to look the stuff in the eye since).

30.   Do you like hard boiled eggs?

Yep, They are great in salads.

This has made me hungry.

Today's song:


  1. I didn't realize our foods were so very different. I'm game to trying different things. Heck, I tried the vegemite my daughter brought back. That stuff is NASTY! What is it, anyway? Or do I not want to know? LOL I like pumpkin all ways, sweet and savory. Currently, I'm searching for a recipe that duplicates the most wonderful ham and pumpkin stew I had years ago, but I'm not having any luck.

  2. Vegemite is awesome - it's all about the vegemite butter ration ( about one part vegemite to five parts butter is about perfect) Not a lot of people know that.

  3. It is so interesting how the foods are so different in the different places. I like that. I love pumpkin, I have even made pumpkin cookies. It is pumpkin everything here in the fall.
    I loved your answers! Have a great day!

  4. Well, that explains a lot. I ate straight up 100% vegemite. A whole lot of butter would have helped. Live and learn.

  5. You'll have to come to the US to see the junk we eat. You won't be impressed, although some decent southern cooking might perk you up.

  6. All this talk of food has made me hungry and adventurous! I need to travel more and try new things.

  7. Have you ever HAD pumpkin pie? It's rather tasty. Cinnamon toast is regular bread toasted, spread with butter, and sprinkled with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.
