Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Freaky Poptart Meme

I am a little bit under the weather today. The birthday party that a friend and I had planned went off without a hitch last night. It was awesome. Had a great time - but a few too many gin and tonics were imbibed - and yeah -  great time was had, but I'm just a touch tired and dusty today.

Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

What is one thing that you would change about yourself if you could?

My weight. It's been a struggle all my life. I would love to be naturally slim.

Name three exotic countries you would like to visit:

Just three? I'd love to go to Uraguay - it sounds amazing and I have friends who can recommend places. Iceland is also on the list, just for the sheer beauty. My third country is Cambodia - mainly because I would love to see Ankhor Wat - and it is not too far away.  There are plenty more countries I want to visit.

What do you think the secret to life is?

Striving to be happy. If you're doing this, you are living.

Best concert: 

It's a toss up - David Byrne at the Brixton Academy in the early nineties, or Hunters and Collectors at the Tivoli in Adelaide in around 1990. A close third would be the first time I saw The Pixies up in the Gold Coast with the original line up. They were - and are, phenomenal.

Song you can listen to over and over and not get tired of: 

This: It's been my favourite song for over thirty years.

Worst movie music soundtrack or score: 

I think that would go to the remake of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - the Johnny Depp one - they ruined that film - and the music was crap.

A song you wish wouldn't get stuck in your head but always does: 

Oh, that would be this. Damn you Kylie Minogue.

Who was your FIRST date?

Oh, that would be the gangly, spotty lad, with the lank greasy hair and glasses from year above when I was sixteen. We went to see Police Academy - the original movie - which is still funny.

Do you still talk to your FIRST love?

No. Oh, and it was the same gangly, spotty lad, with the lank greasy hair and glasses from year above when I was sixteen

What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?

Probably a sip of dad's beer when I was a child. Then the odd glass of mum's wine in my early teens.

What was your FIRST job?

I used to work over the holidays at the local general store. I started work when I was 14.

What was your FIRST car?

The first car I owned for myself was a Ford Fiesta, which I bought off a friend when I was in London. I also loved the old EJ Holden I drove around as a teenager, but technically that wasn't my car.

Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?

I was five years old and we took a small plane over to Kangaroo Island for a holiday. I remember my sister vomited most of the half hour ride over there. My first time on a big plane was when I went to New Zealand with my parents when I was seventeen. Funny, planes are a part of my life now.

Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?

Funny, I only got close friends when I was at uni. Mariah and Geetangeli are still in my life. Mariah is in Brisbane and Geetangeli in Christchurch. We still talk and get together when we can.

Whose wedding did you attend the FIRST time?

One of my cousins - I think it might have been my favourite cousin's wedding. She was eighteen, That was pretty normal back then.

Tell us about your FIRST roommate.

Oh, do I have to. The first time I moved into a flat after college I moved in with this very strange red head. She was young, rich, strange and we shared her flat on the beach. It lasted three months. It wasn't an enjoyable experience. I remember she wasn't home much, but when she was, she played awful loud music and had a lot of men over. It was all a bit much for me. I'm glad I got out. I was warned about her. I wish I'd listened.

If you had one wish, what would it be (other than more wishes)?

I wish my niece never got leukaemia.

What is something you would learn if you had the chance?

The piano. I forever wish I had received piano lessons as a child.

Did you marry the FIRST person you were in love with? 

I've never been married.

What were the first lessons you ever took and why? 

I've took flute lessons from the age of 12. Out of school work, that was the first extra-curricular classes I took.

What is the first thing you do when you get home? 

Take off my shoes. I don't like wearing shoes around the house.

Today's song:


  1. I wish my weight was under control too. I hope you have a nice long weekend! I loved your answers!

  2. Weight seems to be an issue for most of us.
