Sunday, October 21, 2018

Halloween Questions

Ah, it is that time again. The time for strange American holidays. See it is spring here in Australia and we don't really do Halloween - okay a few people with kids might do it, but not me.

So this might be a bit fun. And I have to get through this as I'm off to see A Star is Born in a bit.

Questions, as always from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. The smell of pumpkin guts or rotting leaves?

Pumpkin guts is only smelled when roast dinners are being cooked, because pumpkin is a savoury vegetable used for soups and roasting. But I do like the smell of rotting leaves.

2. Sweet or salty pumpkin seeds?

Pepitas (pumpkin seeds) are a health food - why would you put sugar or salt with them. They are an integral part of trail mix.

3. Store bought or pumpkin patch pumpkins?

Pumpkin, for roast dinners, is bought at the supermarket. We don't really have those big orange things here. Triambles or butternuts are a dull grey or mustard in colour. Never seen an orange pumpkin here.

4. Wool or knit sweaters?

We're going into summer - why do you need a jumper? (Sweater...)

5. Halloween party or exploring haunted places?

Oh, for pity's sake, I'm Australian - I'm more interest in our fragile minority government than going around chasing children demanding lollies (candy)

6. Candy corn or mellowcreme pumpkins?

This must be more strange American foodstuffs. If candy corn is caramel popcorn, then I will have that - love the stuff.

7. Apple cider donuts or pumpkin donuts?

Ew, neither sounds appealing. Very fond of the odd banana custard donut from the servo (gas station) as long as they are fresh. Pumpkin donuts? Why would you do that?

8. Apple pie or pumpkin pie?

Apple pie - because pumpkin is for roasting with a leg of lamb or for soup. Pumpkin is not for sweets.

9. Scary costume or something silly?

Why do you want to dress up? Sorry, I've never done this dress up for Halloween lark because I am Australian and Halloween is an American thing. Give me a few more days and I will celebrate Guy Fawkes day with the English.

10. Still, silent nights or rainy, windblown ones?

I like rainy, windblown nights as a rule. It doesn't have to be a Hallmark holiday to enjoys these.

11. Hocus Pocus or Halloweentown?

I have no idea what you are talking about. It is bad enough that our stores have all of this Halloween crap in them. Never happened until about five years ago.

12. Witches or ghosts?

I am a practicing witch. A real one. Witches get a bad rap. I believe in ghosts too, but I see no reason to dress up as one...

13. Raking leaves or climbing trees?

I don't mind raking leaves, but as it is spring, there are few leaves to rake.

14. Ouija boards or ghost stories around a campfire?

Even though I'm a witch, I am very opposed to ouija boards as I have seen too many people f*cked up by them, so I will go with the ghost stories.

15. Frankenweenie or The Corpse Bride?

I like Tim Burton films, so I will go with the latter.

16. October or November?

November gives us in Melbourne a day off for a horse race - so it can't be that bad. October is normally a bit cooler, and I like it for that - cool mornings,  nice days.

17. Black cats or owls?

I love black cats. They are very badly represented. They normally have great temperaments too.

18. Fireplace or candlelight?

I love a good open fire, but in Spring, in Australia, there is very little need for them. It's warm enough without them.

19. Monster movies or their classic novels?

Classic novels. I don't like monster movies.

20. Carve or paint pumpkins?

Seriously, what is this need to desecrate a perfectly good vegetable?

Today's Song:


  1. The original Hallowe'en was Celtic and had more to do with laying old ghosts and saying goodbye to the old year. It had little to do with overdressed children gorging on candies, as the American tradition seems to demand. (My mother came from rural Scotland. She made sure we celebrated, though we never got candy/sweets/lollies!)

  2. I'm not much of a Halloween fan these days, but I am definitely a fan of the season of PUMPKIN-SPICE FLAVORED EVERYTHING! I love pumpkin whether it's sweet or savory, but I'd have to say my favorite is a pumpkin-spice milkshake. Yummy!

  3. It seems like America celebrates everything. I am not sure I have ever had pumpkin as a savory dish...always sweet. I love the different cultures and ways of doing things. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  4. I never was a huge fan of Halloween, though our kids went trick or treating. As for pumpkin, I like it in moderation--not pumpkin everything, but definitely pumpkin pie (have you ever tasted one?) Hey, if you can find an Australian based set of questions, send them to me. I'd love to have all of us Americans who make you go through American-based questions, see how they'd do on Australia-based questions. Seriously

  5. Can I just say that I adore your completely different perspective. It's so fun to read!!

  6. I always find your take on USA things intriguing.

  7. We are going into winter so a jumper (sweater) is very welcome here. But I understand your sweltering Christmas times.
    The Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead is what used to be celebrated in the Southwest, before this all became the United States. My daughters loved to celebrate the Day of the Dead, which corresponds to other holidays for All Hallows Eve.
    You always cheer me up. Sanity!
    Thanks you for posting your ideas every week.
