Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Back to Normal Questions

Ah, so we'r back to normal. It was so much fun looking at how people answered the questions last week. Kudos to those who gave it a bash.

Right, now back to normal questions, provided, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1.What is your favorite animal?

I love most animals, so to single out a favourite is hard. I love big dogs and I cannot lie. I love cats too - especially moggies rather than orientals, They're easier to deal with. Elephants are awesome. The big cats are great. I could watch seals all day, they are fabulous. So don't ask me what is my favourite animal.

My current all time favourite animal on the planet is Maow Maow. He's my familiar.

2.Your dream vacation?

Paris, going five star all the way. Wish it would happen. I will have to deal with doing Bali in a four star rating - which is great too.

3.Last person's house you were in?

Blarney's place this afternoon. I dropped in on the way home from the airport.

4.Worst injury you've ever had?

I think that would be Bruce the Bum Bruise. I fell over, my left butt cheek landed on a garden bed spike. Had a lump the size of an orange in my bum - my left cheek was bruised black. That thing needed its own postcode. 18 months of niggling aches from it through referred pain. Yeah, that wasn't fun at all.

5.Last play you saw?

I saw Macbeth at the Pop Up Globe in Sydney last night. It was a great performance. The witches and the porter were up there with the best I've seen.

6.Ever go to camp?

Alas, camp is an American thing. We has school camps for a few days - they aren't the same thing as your parents sending you away for a few weeks over summer holiday.

7.Were you an honor roll student in school?

Honor roll - another American thing - but I did get the odd academic award at high school. I was always in the top 5% of students.

8.What do you want to know about the future?

I read tarot cards to a professional standard - but I still have no idea about the future. I like it that way. You can't change it.

9.Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?

Yes, I normally wear perfume. Today it's Narciso Rodriguez's Narciso. It's lighter that the first signature fragrance.

10.Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?

Yes. I have to see the gynaecologist in a few weeks for an annual check. I also have to book in a mammogram sometime in the not to distant future. Both are check ups.

11.Where is your best friend?

I don't have a best friends, but I have a few who I love and I'm close to. They're in Christchurch, New Zealand, Brisbane Australia, as well as Blarney and Jonella who are in Melbourne.

12.Do you have a tan?

Not yet. We're only just going into Summer. By the end of February my arms will be tanned and my feet will have Birkenstock tans. That's all I tan. I try and do the sunscreen thing.

13.What are you listening to right now? 

The hum of the air conditioner and an episode of Suits in on the telly. There are some kids playing out in the car park next door.

14.Do you collect anything?

I collect two things. Empty gin bottles and elephant figurines. I love my elephants (which also has the odd Ganesha in there for good measure).

15.Who is the biggest gossiper you know?

My lovely friend Eduardo gets that crown. He's great for gossip at my old place of work.

16.Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?

Other than going through random breath testing (which is compulsory if they wave at you to pull into the breath testing station over here), I've never been pulled over or stopped by a cop. Random breath testing is just that, random. As I don't drink and drive, I have nothing to worry about.

17.What does your last text message say?

It was from my kid brother saying he was on his way to the cinema and that he' meet me at around 3.15. We went to see The Crimes of Grindelwald.

18.Do you like hot sauce?

Ah, now I think they might be different over here, but I will say yes. Love tabasco, love going to Mexican restaurants and having their hot sauces. I also like sriracha sauch (also known as rooster sauce here)  I think that's a yes.

19.Do you need to do laundry?

No, I did the last of my laundry before I went to the movies. I have a heap of ironing to do, but I also need to get 2000 words written of this novel - so far I have just over 30000 words written.

20.What is your heritage?

Okay, although I'm Australian, my people came out from mostly Cornwall and Wales in the 1850s. There is a bit of lowland Scot in me too, as well as some landed gentry from around Cambridgeshire. Yes, I've researched the family tree. You don't get much more white than me.


  1. I think Paris would be a great vacation! I hope you get to go. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  2. How did you like the Crimes of Grimwald? It received poor reviews here.

  3. Didn't mind it, Country Dew, but I am a Potter junkie It was patchy in plot, but the effects were wonderful.

  4. Interesting your answer to #16. When I was in WA my friend was pulled over for a breath test. She hadn't been speeding or doing anything illegal and I wondered why she was pulled over--I guess random checks are more common there than here.
