Sunday, January 13, 2019


I have a nice quiet day planned. I've been to the gym, done two loads of washing., I'm going to have a pedicure because it's well overdue and my feet are manky. I'm also enjoying the last day I have with my friend's cat. They are back tomorrow morning, so it's bye bye pussy.

I really have to think about these questions. Thanks to Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. The strangest place you've ever been.

Oh, the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia is amazing and bizarre It's a museum containing specimens of human remains, including the skeletal remains of the most famous Siamese Twins, lots of syphilitic skulls and babies in bottles - and it is incredible - but very strange. It's not for the faint of heart.

Runner up places, well, I come from a place called Myponga, the submarine at Holbrook which is 100 kilometres from any ocean on the inland road between Sydney and Melbourne - like who knows why it's there (actually the town used to be called Germantown before WWII, then it was renamed after some Admiral). The oldest chestnut tree in England, mentioned in the Doomsday book - that was a bit of a head spin too. Oh, and that museum in The Hague which had on display the toes of a traitorous politicion - one who had been torn to shreds and cannibalized in the 1600s. They knew what to do with their politicians back then.

Image result for mutter museum

2. Unusual food combinations you enjoy.

Um, eggs have to be enjoyed with tomato sauce much to most of my friend's chagrin. Horseradish goes very well on hot buttered toast. Is potato chips crushed on ice cream with chocolate sauce a bad thing? White chocolate and wasabi ice cream is also awesome - it's just hard to find. I see a bit of a horse radish theme here.

3. Your best cure for hiccups.

Breathe out. Take nine quick sips of water. Kills them every times. You might go blue in the process.

4. Something you have never done but would like to try.

Stand up comedy. Skydiving. Maybe getting married one day. There are lots of things - always up for new things.

5. A routine you do every day without fail

I make my bed. Strange, but it is something I do without fail. I think I got this from Sarah Wilson's book, 'First We Make the Beast Beautiful'. It's an aid to overcoming anxiety. I also shower and clean my teeth daily. I'm big on personal hygiene.

6. Something new you've recently learned.

I'm getting a lot better at saying no and delegating. This has taken a long time to learn.

7. Your keenest sense.

Oh, that's hard, as I'm a very sensory person. I've a keen sense of hearing and touch. Everybody else's television is always on too loud.

8. Whether you prefer cooking or cleaning up.

Depends on my mood. I enjoy both - but I do love cooking when I get the chance.

9. Where were you the last time you saw the sun rise.

A couple of weeks ago, driving to the airport on the way to Sydney. I think I was just about to go onto the Ring Road. It was a nondescript sunrise.

10. A recent time you were embarrassed.

I forever have my cardigan on back to front. It amuses and embarrasses me in equal measure.

11. An everyday sound that delights you.

Laughter, Children's laughter even better. Cats purring. Drums. Rain pelting down on a tin roof.

12. The last conversation you had with a stranger.

I end up in conversations with randoms all the time. I ended up giving directions in French to some tourists on Friday night while walking through the Botanical Gardens on the way to Shakespeare in the park. That was fairly random.

Today's Song:


  1. I loved your answers. Tomato sauce on eggs--I wondered if that is like American ketchup, or tomato sauce like on spaghetti? I like red chile on my eggs, which is a very New Mexican thing to do!

  2. I wondered about the ketchup on eggs too or if it is actually sauce for spaghetti...I love ketchup on eggs. Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  3. Stand up comedy. Wow. I would find that more difficult than sky diving, hiking across the country, etc. If you're up for it, you should go for it!

  4. OK. You win the weird places and weird food combinations! I'll have to remember that museum if I'm ever in Philadelphia again!

  5. You went all out for these questions. Whew. Some interesting food combos there. I didn't even think about museums and such as an answer to the odd places questions.

  6. Oh ugh, eating a politician. Lol!
    And saying No as we get older just seems to be the norm. And it's a good thing for sanity's sake! Hope you are having a great start to your week.

  7. Oh my gosh, the museums you've visited! I'll pass on each one. The toes, shiver. I want to try some of your food combos. I like horseradish. Maybe I'll have the toast for breakfast tomorrow.
