Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Three Wishes Meme

Quick one today as it's going to be a bit of schlep to the airport. The trains are all buggered up due to track work. I can either go the long way round through some place called Wolli Creek, or catch an Uber. I think I might Uber out there. The joys of Sydney.

Questions, as always, courtesy of Bev at Sunday Stealing.

16.) What is your favorite wild animal?

I'm very fond of seals and lions - so it is a toss up between the two of them. Wombats are pretty good too. 

17.) Name 3 of your favorite childhood shows:

  • MASH
  • Wacky Races
  • I Dream of Jeannie
18.) If you could live as a character in a movie who would it be?

Please, please, please can I be Hermione Granger. If not then I'd like to be Holly Golightly, Matilda or Amelie Poulin. All have their good points. 

19.) Favorite vegetable?

Potatoes. Not that I go about eating them regularly - now I eat sweet potatoes - better for you. 

20.) Favorite Fruit?

Passionfruit. I'm also a lover of mangoes. Best eaten naked under the shower. 

21.) If you had a dragon what would you name it?

Frank. I name everything Frank, so why not a dragon. 

22.) What do you put on hotdogs?

Tomato Sauce (read ketchup, my American buddies) and sometimes a bit of American mustard. Note I have to designate the mustard - not grainy, not Dijon, not French, not Hot English - all can be found in my fridge. I currently only have a hot dog when I go to Ikea. The best ones are found out of the Keith Roadhouse on the way back to my mother's place. 

23.) Do you play online games?

Does Candy Crush and Words with Friends count? Then yes.

24.) What's your favorite way to get inspired?

Go for a walk. That normally inspires me. If not, go exercise. 

25.) Do you have a middle name?

Yes. It's boring. My middle name is Jane - just like half the Australian population born in the sixties and seventies. 

26.) If you had to order from a kid's menu, what would you get?

Probably fish and chips or pizza. Or just go find another place which sells healthy food. 

27.) Do you speak any other languages?

Sort of. I have reasonable schoolgirl French, a smattering of Greek and Spanish and a little bit of Balinese and Italian. I'm a polyglot - I pick up languages really easily. 

28.) Do you use Twitter?

Not for posting - more for Darvey trash and big news events. 

29.) Do you go onto YouTube?

Sometimes. It's good for music clips. 

30.) Do you play Angry Birds?

Not any more, thank goodness. 

Today's Song 
(For a little girl who is currently battling brain cancer up in Brisbane and her family - she's an inspiration - and I can't get this song out of my head):


  1. Love the answers. Just wanted to say HAPPY SUNDAY!

  2. Love your answers... Candy Crush was my go to game until I got stuck on a level for-ever so I deleted it off my phone! LOL Have a great week!

  3. Hermione!! I should have put that myself, my hubs literally calls me Hermione. Definitely have her personality, lol, whether or not that is good thing...well. Have a great week!

  4. I mostly use twitter for sports news, I hardly ever tweet. Loved your answers! Have a great day!
