Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Cookie Questions

Well, I'm back from Hong Kong. I'm supposed to be cleaning for a flat inspection,and I have a lot of small little jobs to do around the place. To be honest, it's nice to have some time at home.

Another thing, cookies. I'm Australian. We call them biscuits. On the food chain, Oreos are very low down on the cookie / biscuit food chain. They are bland and boring. Sorry Americans, we do biscuits much better over here. It has to be said.

Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Do you eat Oreos?

As a rule. No. There are much better biscuits out there on the market.

2.  If you eat Oreos, which are your favorite – original, double stuff, golden original, golden double stuff, Oreo brownies, Oreo ice cream?

The Golden ones are okay - but seriously, you want to compare the crapness of an Oreo with the majesty of a Tim Tam - in the words of a very famous Australian, "Tell 'em their dreaming.'

Image result for tim tams

3.  Do you twist your Oreos apart?


4.  Are you able to pass by a plate of cookies and not take one or are you a bit of a 'Cookie Monster'? 

I'm a bit half and half. I'm getting better at self-control. But I can demolish a packet of Tim Tams - all nine of them, in one sitting with ease.

5.  Tell us about your favorite cookie. Crunchy, soft, chewy, crumbly, other?

If I really need a biscuit, a white chocolate and macadamia one from Subway normally goes down very well. I like them a bit chewy.

6. Have your tastes changed since you were a kid?

Nope - I've always had a dreadful sweet tooth. Though I don't really eat chocolate chip cookies. Ate too many as a kid.

7.  Inquiring minds want to know if you are a dunker and, if so, do you dunk in milk, coffee, or tea?

I'm an inveterate dunker. Have biscuit, must dunk it - much to my mother's disgust. Dunk in milk, dunk in tea, dunk in coffee. Dunking in Baileys is really good if you have Tim Tams.

8.  It is that time of year and they are selling them on every corner and in front of every store!  Do you buy Girl Scout cookies and if you do, which is your favorite?  

As I'm Australian, we don't really have the concept of Girl Scout cookies. There were around in a limited fashion when I was a kid - haven't seen them in over 20 years. The scouts are far busier climbing trees.

9.  Raw cookie dough.  Yay or Nay?  

Absolutely - particularly in Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

10.  Do you like cookies with filling?

I'm rather fond of jammie dodgers.

11.  Do you prefer organic cookies?

The cleaner the ingredients the better. Biscuits are best when they are home made, anyway. If you're talking about the biscuits which you get at the health food shop - most of the time they are pretty bland. They are getting better however.

12.  Large cookies, or small cookies?

Medium sized ones, though I make great yo-yos and I make them small. (also known as melting moments - my grandmother's recipe).

13.  Do you like familiar flavours in cookies?

Anything with lemon or almond goes down a treat.

14.  Do you make your own cookies, or buy them?

I like to make biscuits, and I make great biscuits - I just rarely have the time to do it.

15.  Please tell us something random about your week!!

This time last week I was in Hong Kong. I have book group on Tuesday. I'm having my ovaries scanned on Thursday. I'm having a flat inspection on Tuesday, hence all the cleaning. Random enough for you?

Today's Song:


  1. I would have to agree with the lemom part!! Have a great Sunday!

  2. Tim Tams and Baileys sounds wonderful!

  3. I am a huge fan of White Macademia cookies from Subway as well. Geez! I feel like I need to have Subway for lunch this week with a cookie on the side.
    Your Tim Tams look good, I would love to try them. I am sure I would love them. I feel like I am missing out. Loved your answers! Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  4. TimTams really are good. someone brought me a packet one year. Yummm! Do they air mail them? Oreos are a marketing success more than anything else. That seemed like sweetened Crisco in the middle to me when I was a kid.
    Hope you get to rest more. But Hong Kong sounds exciting.

  5. Tim Tams look amazing!
    Oh, the Georgia Satellites...I loved them back in the day. Haven't heard that song in ages.

  6. Love the song of the day. I have not heard that song in along time!
