Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Curious as a Cat Questions

It has been a big day. I've come back from a trip away, I'm heading overseas later in the week and I have just given the cats back to their parents - all stuff which has stopped me getting this blog done - so now it's late in the evening and I'm struggling to get this done on the Sunday.

Good questions this week, thanks to Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. I wish I had enough money to ________.

Travel the world for extended periods of time and in great comfort.

2. If you had to enter a competition for the "Most Uselessly Unique Talent," what would your talent be?

I can do the following - all are useless:

  • I am a founding member of the Ministry for the Bleeding Obvious
  • I can recite Jabberwocky (and sing Khe Sahn) when really drunk - by rote. 
  • I am very good at finding The Young Ones and MOnty Python quotes for any occasion. 

3. When it might hurt their feelings, how do you feel about telling your friends the truth?

If it has to be done, it has to be done - but done gently, in private, and as kindly as it can be done.

4. Peanut or plain?

Both have their merits. Peanut just trumps plain.

5. Is there someone you would like to take your place in life for one day? Who and why?

Part of me would love my sister to step into my shoes for a day. I think she thinks I have it easy. We had the same opportunities growing up, but went on very different paths. She knows nothing of my life. I'd like to open her eyes to a few things.

6. Who was your favorite teacher and why?

My French teacher at high school in my final year was great. A mentor as well as a bloody good teacher. She helped instill what little confidence with which I left high school. I have a lot to thank her for. She also helped give me the love of the language I wish I could use more often. Nothing three months in France and some intensive classes wouldn't fix.

7. What do you think is the ugliest thing or event on Earth?

Do not get me started on what our Federal Government is doing to refugees on Nauru and Manus Island. This is the definition of ugly.

Huntsman spiders are up there too. (Americans - look them up... they are the size of the palm of your hand).

8. What is your least favorite of your personality traits or quirks?

I can be stubborn to my own detriment and I can cave in too easily at times. A bit of an oxymoron, me...)

9. I wish I could see ________ because _________.

What happened to all of the characters in the West Wing ten years on, because that was the BEST show and I loved them all.

10. Tell us your favorite children's story.


11. Explain how to play your favorite game.

It's called pool. You pot all the balls by hitting the white ball with a long thin stick, trying hard to put the eight-ball last. It helps if you had a bit of beer to drink before you play.

12. What do you keep in the trunk  boot of your car?

An umbrella, a few CDs, some plastic bags, the spare tyre and tyre changing accouterments.

13. Tell us about your favorite way to get lost in a simple activity — running, chopping vegetables, folding laundry, whatever. What’s it like when you’re in "the zone"?

I get in that spot when I'm reading and writing and going for long walks. I love the zone - most of me disappears.

Oh, and if you really want to see me in the zone, play me Jeff Beck's 'Brush with the Blues'. I really disappear then.

14. What’s your dream tourist destination — either a place you’ve been and loved, or a place you’d love to visit? What about it speaks to you?

I'd love to go back to Spain and Italy. Spain resonates with me on a cellular level. The little bit of Italy I've seen is beautiful - I want to see more.

15. What parts of nature do you like best?

All of it - but I particularly love the sea and the mountains.

16. What kind of program do you enjoy most on TV--detective shows, comedies, game shows--and why?

I'm a big fan of the dramedies - something with a bit of humour and a bit of angst. Shows that show a lot of humanity. Some favourites include Grey's Anatomy, Six Feet Under, Sex Eduation (it's English, on Netflix and wonderful), Suits, The West Wing and Harrow (Australian fare).

17. Do you know any professional athletes?


18. What will the next must-have technological innovation be? Jetpacks? Hoverboards? Wind-powered calculators?

Something that cleans up the oceans quickly and easily. That should have been invented decades ago.

19. Have you ever been the victim of a crime?

I've twice had my wallet stolen - both times on the tube in London. Both times, there was no bodily damage done, just had my wallet lifted from my handbag. The police got one of the offenders a week or so later. I've also had my credit card skimmed. Thankfully, that is it. Long may it remain.

20. What if you woke up tomorrow with the ability to understand animals. What do you think you’d hear from them?

I could see the cats I've just been sitting saying, 'Where the hell were you this weekend, and when is Mum and Dad coming back?'

21.What is something that makes you melancholy?

The thought of another four years of a conservative government here in Australia. Bring on the bloody election (It's due in May - and the current government are stalling).

Today's song:


  1. Going to Italy is on my bucket list... someday! Have a great Sunday!

  2. I loved Six Feet Under. Such a quirky show.

  3. I love the ocean and the mountains also. So beautiful.
    There is a West Wing character on Suits. I love him. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  4. I remember the last season of West Wing started out at the opening of the Josiah Bartlett library and I guess the season was going to be the events leading up to thta event, but they had to change it because of the death of John Spencer. I was so sad when he died.

  5. I think Special Patrol Group is a stupid name for a hamster.

  6. Traveling sounds fun.
    Number Nine! <3 I miss the West Wing. And the worse things get, the more I long for that show.

    I saw a water cleaning thing that looked like a big duck, it sucks in water and lets fish and clean water back out, but gathers up all the trash. And another thing that cleaned a whole lake somehow. Neither were well funded yet, as far as I heard.

    Good luck with your election.


    That was the thing I was thinking of. It's not a duck though. But this was it.
