Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Colloquium Meme

It's been an eventful weekend, part of which involved going shopping for a new fridge and washing machine. The fridge is needed as my current 18 year old model is trying its hardest to give me food poisoning. The butter is not hard. Iced water would be better sourced from the tap. Anyway, the new appliances are turning up next Saturday. Yay. I feel like a grown up. I also found a salesman I'd happily buy stuff off again. For me, this is a big thing, as I hate over sellers.

Also saw the most wonderful film, The Farewell. American / Chinese fare. It's awesome.

Questions, as per normal, have come from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Last person you were in a car with?

Oh, that would be a the end of last month, when my friend Quin and I went across the Westgate Bridge to go see a movie at the Art House cinema in Yarraville. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was great. But yeah, that was the last time I was in a car with somebody, unless you count an Uber ride about a week after that.

2. Any plans for tomorrow?

Going to work, going to the gym afterwards.

3. Best friend or close friends?

Have a few close friends. They're scattered around the world. Jonella and Blarney are more like family.

4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?

I hope so.

5. Ever thrown up in public?

Yes. But thankfully not for a long time. The last time I remember vomiting in public was on a plane - but in my defense, I had a stomach flu / gastro.

6. What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW?

Finishing this blog. Knowing my malfunctioning fridge is going to be gone next weekend.

7. Who was the last person you talked to?

Jay and Trish after the gym this morning. Online, an old uni friend got in contact this afternoon.

8. What is the WORST subject they teach at school?

Physics. Hated physics more than I hated P.E. (Phys Ed / Gym)

9. Have you seen anyone lately that you don’t get along with?

Yes, but there is no need to talk about that. Not the forum - and it's minor stuff anyway.

10. What is your favourite color top to wear?

Pillarbox red. Love red.

11. Have you ever been in a car accident?

Yes. Only one, it was very minor and it was about thirty year ago. Long may that remain.

12. What’s the closest thing to you that’s green?

I have a dark green blanket on my couch (sofa).

13. Where would you like to be right now?       

England. I love being in England. My feet are very itchy at the moment.

14. Is anything bugging you right now?

Yes, lots of things. The Federal Government and their stance on most things - the Environment, Coal, the family cou
rt, the unemployed... pretty much everything they do is sooooo misguided.

15. Is life going right for you now?

At the moment, yes. Long may it remain.

16. Is there someone you care about more than yourself?

Ah, no. Not at the moment. There are a few people who I care about the same as me. If you can't look after yourself you can't look after others.

17. What made you laugh today?

There were some rather funny parts to the movie I saw this afternoon. Situational stuff but it made me chuckle. Nai Nai rocks.

18. What was the last movie you watched?

The Farewell. Comes highly recommended.

19. What was the last conversation you had about?

Jay, Trish and I were talking about football and how the Richmond  supporters are going to be insufferable if they win the Grand Final next week - and what a cracking quarter of football was had last night (Collingwood versus Greater Western Sydney. Collingwood lost by four points after a solid comeback in the last quarter in a really low scoring game - it was great to watch)

20. What were you doing at 7:00 this morning?

Reading in bed.

21. Do you like your hair long or short?

I've had long hair for a very long time.

22. Do you like the rain

I love the rain. Winter rain, Summer rain, tropical rain - love it all. I was brought up on a farm. You love the rain when you've been brought up in the country.

Today's Song:


  1. Glad you are getting a new fridge! How exciting! Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  2. I really love the song you posted!

  3. I hated Physics too. It was the first subject I truly hated...and then what did I do? I went to work for the Physics Department at UC Berkeley, where I worked for four years. It's still my favorite job and I remained friends with my boss for ~50 years after I left to give birth to my first child.
