Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Free Talk questions

I'm sort of packing today. My couch is loaded with all sorts of clothes, shoes and heaven forbid, a apocathary's worth of pharmacy drugs. Who knew that two weeks in India that you need so many things. In my medicine cube (packing cubes are the best!) there is:

  • Berocca (Fizzy vitamin Bs - hangover cures and good for morning energy)
  • Hydralyte (For rehydrating - it's hot over there)
  • Imodium (For when you get the runs, stops runny tummy)
  • Doxycycline (Anti-malaria tablet)
  • Buscapan (Anti-spasmodic for dicky gall bladder - just in case, with all that ghee it's best I have it)
  • Paracetamol (For headaches, just in case)
  • Anti-histamines (Just in case)
  • Ventolin (After the last two weeks I've had, that has to come with me)
  • Contact lenses
  • Sleeping tablets (I have three overnight flights - a necessary evil)
  • Gaviscon (Antacid - again, I like Indian food - Indian food often doesn't like me)
  • Earplane ear plugs (Because my right ear is still blocked from being sick - I really don't need another busted eardrum caused by flying)
  • My HRT Patches (Aint going nowhere without them)
  • A multi-vitamin and a calcium tablet.

Okay, maybe I'm over prepared, but I don't have long in India - I want to make sure I stay healthy, or can get back on my feet quickly, it's best to have all of this. I know when I go to Bali, I have most of these with me - and most get used.

All my paperwork is done, my passport is ready. The adapters for both India and Hong Kong are in my day pack. I'll sort out the money tomorrow. I think I'm ready for this trip of a lifetime.

Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. If you were offered a job in another part of the country, would you take it?

Umm, depends where, what it is, how long was it for etc. I'd happily move overseas for work. I'd love the challenge.

2. If you were in a bank and someone started to hold it up, what would you do?

Hit the floor and play dead, or comply with the robber - which ever came first.

3. If you found a suitcase filled with $1,000,000 what would you do?

Take it to the police - and hope that nobody claimed the money so I could have it. We have a thing, if you bring in lost property, you get it back if nobody claims it after a period of time. Then some of it would be donated to charity.

4. If you had a 25 hour day what would you do with your extra hour?

Read, write, exercise, swim.

5. If you had the opportunity to be different, what would you change?

I'd love a faster metabolism.

6. If you received a lottery ticket as a gift and won a lot of money, would you share with the person who gave you the ticket?

Oh that's a hard one. I really don't know what I'd do. At a minimum, I'd take them on a holiday or give some grand gesture.

7. If you spoke two languages and your spouse spoke only one, would you raise your children as bilingual?

If I had kids in that situation, they would definitely be bilingual. What a gift. I'd love to be properly bilingual.

8. If you were candy, which candy would you be?

I would be Turkish Delight. The type you find in mixed chocolate boxes, which are an acquired taste  - you either love it or hate it.

See the source image
9. If you were a toy, which toy would you be?

Probably Monopoly. Like all good Monopoly games, I'm great at starting pointless arguments.

10. If you were abducted by aliens, would you tell anyone?

Probably, but nobody would believe me.

11. If you could go to the moon, would you?


12. If you had a time machine, where would you go and why?

It may sound strange, but I'd love to see the court of King Henry VIII first hand. He fascinates me - just have to stay on his good side.

13. If you saw a robbery, would you report it?

Yes, of course.

14. If you were to speak to a graduating class, what would you say?

Forget about all this school stuff. Find yourself, go true to yourself and be kind.

15. If given the choice between being given great wisdom or great wealth, which would you choose? 

Great wisdom. From there, hopefully great wealth follows.

Today's Song


  1. Hi Pand,

    Henry VIII would be a dangerous and disappointing trip. He was quite mad and quite ill and apparently he stank because of his injury.

    You would be lucky to get out of there alive.

    I love Paint It Black.




  2. Great life advice in #14.

    Safe travels!

  3. Q2: I'd play dead, too. I'm really to old to be of much use besides voice recognition. I could do that very well.

    Q3. We have that money found proviso here as well, but the honest cops are having a grand old time trying to manage it. I wouldn't trust a bank to "hold" it either.

    Q 12. Lol. Don't get romantically involved my dear. ;o)

    Q 10. If you've even seen a UFO, no one would believe you. But you'd never forget it which is just fine.

    Hope you have a lovely time in India! Safe travels and Happy Landings!
