Sunday, November 17, 2019

The From Facebook Questions

Yay. Sunday Stealing is back again. Phew. I'm so glad all the crap Bev, the convenor,  was dealing with is over.

Good questions this week.

I'm back from India. Two more weeks of work at my current place of employment, then I'm off on a few weeks of what I will call a sabbatial - or funemployment. I've got a number of irons in the fire, but most of these don't start until sometime in January, so I'm going to take the opportunity to take some time off. It's been a long time coming.

Anyway, on with the questions.

1) What is your favorite TV show (currently)?

Ah, I'm currently on a Lucifer binge. He's wonderful, and funny, and fun. And the show has a good heart, even when you consider the devil has come down to Los Angeles to have a vacation.

2) Would you like to be a child again?

Hell, no. Childhood was hard enough the first time around. I think it would be even harder now.

3) Has anyone ever told you that school times were the best period of his/her life? Would you say that to someone? Why?

That's nice for you. School days are a very relative thing for people.

4) How's the weather?

Today? Just my weather. It's sunny, a coolish 16 degrees centigrade (about 65 in the old language) and just good, considering it is going into Summer.

5) Do you like camping?

No. Next.

6) Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?

Well I do believe in ghosts. I've had too much experience with them not to.

7) If you would create a holiday, what would it be called and how would we celebrate it? When would this holiday be?

I gather this is like a public holiday as we call them over here. I think we should have Diwali over here, which is the Hindu form of Xmas. It's at the end of October and seems to be a great festival, seeing this is a festival of light.

8) What word(s) do you dislike? Can you tell why?

Other than the word moist - which is a dreadful word which is like nails on a blackboard to half the population - I'm not a fan of those filler exclamation words like super and awesome. They just grate on me, mainly because of overuse.

Also, the word dope. I Australia, a dope is an idiot, it's not a synonym for great.

9) What color do you dislike? What do you associate with it?

I don't do pink. It's a girly-girl colour. I'm not a girly girl. I can do a little bit of dusky rose, but anything else - no thanks. The only pink thing I do is rose lemonade.

10) Do you believe in otherworldly creatures, eg. ghosts, etc?

Hasn't this been asked already. I believe in ghosts. Vampires are a concept more than real - as for the rest of them, werewolves and zombies, no.

Oh, and I'm a practicing witch, so I believe in them too - but not in the way many people think of them.

11) Pick two of your favourite fictional characters. Where are they from (what movie, book, etc?) and why are they your favourite?

I really love Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride - he's plucky - he's overcome obstacles and he finally get what he wants.

Image result for be inigo montoya

I'm currently on  a Lucifer binge - and I'm loving Lucifer Morningstar. He's mad, he's bad, he's dangerous to know, but he has a heart of gold. I also get off on his accent.

Image result for lucifer morningstar

12) If you could change anything or add anything to your body would you? (this can be interpreted however, but, think, would you like to have fins or extra hands?)

A faster metabolism. I hate being a middle-aged woman sometimes.

13) What are some family traditions you have/had growing up? Do you still continue them, if yes, why, if no, why not?

Coming from a family of demure Cornish Methodists, we don't have many traditions - but I do like making an ice cream cake, called cassata, in loving memory of my Aunt who passed away nearly ten years ago. I make it at Christmas, when I can - her birthday was on Christmas Day and we made this for her as a birthday cake. I make it when I can.

14) What do you think of tattoos? Do you have any?

I like good, fine, detailed tattoos on other people. I have one very small tattoo on my hip. It's the Chinese symbol for love and it's been there for more than 20 years. I got it back when tattoos weren't trendy.

15)  What is the most disgusting habit some people have?

After spending time in India, watching men continually adjust themselves in the streets - no thank you. (It's a cultural thing - don't have to like it - and more in the lower classes, but still).

16)  If you could bring back one TV show that was cancelled, which would it be?

Oh, that would be a tossup between Quantum Leap - which I loved as a kid, Drop the Dead Donkey, which was a British satire set in a television new studio in the late nineties in London and really, they should have done another series of the very excellent, The Hour - BBC drama at its best.

17) What was the most unsettling film you have ever seen?

Se7en gave me nightmares for a week. Never revisited it, but gee it was bleak.

Dancer in the Dark was pretty shocking, but it's Lars von Trier, so what do you expect?

18) What book has impacted you the most?

Dr Spencer Johnson's Who Moved My Cheese? propelled my life into another direction in a day. I still go back and read it when I think things are stagnating.

19) You're on Death Row and get one final meal: What is that meal and why do you choose it?

My mum makes the best roast lamb in the world - so I'd ask for that. Probably followed by creme brulee or vanilla ice cream - and good vanilla ice cream. Sometimes it's the simple things.

20) What is the first profession you remember wanting to become as a child?

I wanted to be a doctor or an astronaut when I was a kid.

Today's song:


  1. A faster metabolism...YES!! Middle-age should definitely come with that rather than a slower one.

  2. Hi Pand,

    Mrs PM and I are also binge watching Lucifer - series 3 so far. I love it.

    You should write a post about your experience with ghosts. I think I saw one once but I can't be too sure.

    Drop the Dead Donkey is sorely missed over here - one of the funniest British sitcoms. I loved uantum Leap too.




  3. I would love a faster metabolism too. YES! I also liked Quantum Leap! So fun. Loved your answers! Have a nice day.

  4. I need to catch up on Lucifer--I watched the first couple of seasons and then drifted away from it, but you remind me of how cheeky he is!

  5. We could share "last meals" together!
