Sunday, December 15, 2019

Book of Questions

Greetings from Dayboro, Queensland - a sleepy little town about an hour out of Brisbane. This is a place which should be green. It's not, unfortunately. The drought is really biting up here. It's really sad to see. But I am having a lovely time with my friend, Mariah, and her son, in what is known as God's own country - mind you, I think God may be palming his forehead in despair at some of the decisions the Governments have made over the years, but still, it's a lovely, and welcome change of scenery.

Questions, as always, provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. If you say a dog locked in a hot car, what would you do?

Easy, after calling for the owners of the car, I'd smash the window to let the dog out and call the police to let them know what I've done. There is no reason for this to happen. Saying that, every year a number of children are killed in overheated cars. As we're expecting a day of 41 degrees (106 or there about in the old language) this is to be avoided. There are a lot of public service advertisements about this in Summer over here.

2. Is it easy for you to accept help when you need it?

Yes and no. If I ask for help, then yes. Otherwise, help will be reluctantly, though gratefully received.

3. Have you ever been to a fashion show?


4. Would you like to be famous?

If I was a famous novelist, then yes. Otherwise, no. I like my privacy. Novelists can have a good face for radio - I have one of those.

5. What is your most compulsive habit?

I still suck my thumb when I'm tired or stressed. Thankfully, this is also done in private.

6. What do you strive for in life: accomplishment, security, love, power, excitement, knowledge or something else. 

All of the below. I just like to think things can get better an better in all aspects of my life. 

7. How close and warm is your family?

Not very. My family is loving, but we're not in each other's pockets and we're not emotionally very open. Just the way it is - we're Cornish Methodists by breeding, they're not the most cuddly of creatures. 

8. Does the fact that you have never done a thing before increase or decrease its appeal to you?

A bit of both. Some things I never want to do - case in point, heroin or methamphetamine. Other things, like skydiving, yeah, I'd give that  go. India was interesting for me in this way. I dreaded going there, felt bad about not wanting to go there - but at the end of it, I had a ball. 

9. If your friends start belittling a common acquaintance, would you defend that person?

For the most part, yes. Said persons doing the belittling would be asked to look at their own situations before putting somebody else down. If not, just say I wasn't comfortable with what they were saying. It's good to stand up for people. 

10. Do you make a special effort to thank somebody who does you a favour. How do you react when you aren't thanked for going out of your way for somebody?

Do I make a special effort for those who do me well - absolutely. Other than I'm unfailingly polite, it's manners. For those who don't thank you for a favour - I tend to remember this and I'm rather reticent to help out when the next favour is required - thankfully, that doesn't happen very often. 

11. Since adolescence, in what 3-year period do you feel you experience the most personal growth and change?

Hmm, probably from the ages of 23-26 - when I moved to London and had to find my own way in the world. I learned a hell of a lot in those years. Those years made me very resilient. 

12. When you do something ridiculous, how much does it bother you to have other people notice and laugh at you. 

Once over the Leo pride thing, normally I'll laugh along with them. I'm forever doing stupid things, so I'm used to it. 

13. Do you believe in capital punishment?

Absolutely not. We haven't had capital punishment here for over 50 years - the last person executed in Australia was in 1966. As much as there are people who have done unforgivable crimes, it's never shown to be a deterrent. And what of those wrongly convicted? Nope. 

14. Do you find it hard to say 'no' that you regularly do favours you do not want to do?

Not really. I'm pretty good with my boundaries. 

15. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

The only things that comes to mind is the Holocaust and child/animal abuse. Most other things you can have a dig at. Laughing at, and through illness and death is a necessity - in the right circumstances. 

Today's song: (For Mariah, who is so much in LOVE with Mumford and Sons she's taken up the banjo.)


  1. Absolutely agree on death penalty. Enjoyed reading your answers :)

  2. Hi Pand,

    The most significant women in my life are all Leos (my two sisters and Mrs PM).

    I don't believe in star sign stuff though because Mrs PM is always telling me about how "indecisive" I am as a Libra. She is also indecisive (though she won't admit it).

    Good answers - especially about capital punishment.




  3. We have lots of those public service announcements here, too. Hard to believe anyone is dumb enough or distracted enough to forget their child (or their pet) in a hot car and yet it happens several times each summer. In my state they've passed a law that if you smash out a car window to rescue a human or an animal you won't get in any trouble.

  4. Enjoyed reading your answers.
