Friday, January 24, 2020

Best Self Card: List 50 things that make you smile

I'm supposed to be looking for work and prepping my kitchen and loo for painting. Instead I'm getting my hour of writing out of the way first, while doing some other things. Then I will get prepping and job hunting. It's the day before the long weekend. Nobody is going to doing much today on the job front. And it wont take me too long to sugar soap the walls. Clearing the kitchen is going to be the bigger job.

So I pulled a card from my Best Self box. List 50 things that make me smile.

This might be harder than I thought.

  1. Kittens
  2. Puppies
  3. Cats
  4. Dogs
  5. Most baby animals (maybe not reptiles, but the fluffy ones, hells yeah)
  6. Most animals if I can pat them (not reptiles however - don't like snakes)
  7. Getting a seat on the train/tram during rush hour and the person next to you is not too smelly/mad/ranting. 
  8. Finishing an assignment.
  9. Doing well on that assignment
  10. Meeting up with friends.
  11. Ice cream on a hot day
  12. A job well done.
  13. Cat videos
  14. Monty Python
  15. The Young Ones
  16. Finishing a hard workout
  17. Singing loudly and badly
  18. Driving really fast
  19. The turn of a beautiful sentence
  20. Dry wit
  21. That feeling when you toes hit the water down the beach
  22. Swimming
  23. Seeing my friends happy
  24. That first bite of a choc top at the movies
  25. Getting on a plane
  26. Getting off a long flight
  27. Cuddles
  28. The smell of clean, naked men (I'm human)
  29. The smell of good decaf coffee
  30. The smell of freshly baked bread
  31. The smell of freshly cut grass
  32. Lying on the grass watching the clouds go by
  33. The sight of stars outside of the city
  34. Red Dwarf
  35. Well constructed children's literature
  36. The Princess Bride
  37. Watching ultra-conservative politicians get their comeuppance (Yeah, I know, I can spell schadenfreude...)
  38. Rain (Love rain, I grew up in the country - rain makes people happy)
  39. Babies
  40. Waking up next to a warm body - bloke / cat / dog, all good. 
  41. Marvel films
  42. Seeing old friends after a long time
  43. Sunsets
  44. Sunrises
  45. Running - a surprising one, but I used to love running - lots of endorphins, always ran with a smile on my face.
  46. Mum's roast lamb with mint sauce (preferably the one you make yourself)
  47. Taking photographs
  48. The smell of Chanel 5.
  49. Lying down in the afternoon to read a book. 
  50. Open fires
There. Done it. Better get sugar soaping the kitchen. Joy. 

Today's song: 

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