Wednesday, January 1, 2020

January Goals

It's resolution time.

I'm not going to make erroneous New Year's Resolutions, rather, I'm going to make monthly ones. Far more manageable are monthly resolutions. It gives you a sense of purpose for the month - and you know, if it's something you have to force yourself to do, then you're not pushing yourself into long term stuff.

Also, it takes three weeks for a habit to form, so maybe some of these things will take shape and be habits, rather than hoping these things will take, I'll be willing them to become part of the daily routine.

As I'm currently between jobs, I also have a bit more time up my sleeve to get stuff done.

The theme for January is regeneration.

Here are my goals:

1) An hour of exercise every day. Doesn't have to be anything specific - walking / gyming /  yoga class - just something to get me into my body, every day.

2) An hour of reading every day. Again, something I like doing, it keeps the brain working.

3)  At least an hour of writing. I would like to get back to blogging daily. I want to be a writer, writers gotta write. Part of me wants to revitalise the "My Year Without Chips" blog. Anyway, I have two novels on the go, no short stories ready for publication and a need to get myself out there. Writers write - I've had a month off from the computer.

And for the tasks that I want to get done in January.

1) Find a new job. This starts in earnest on Monday when the recruitment consultants start coming back to work. Hoping to have something which is up my alley, fun, with good people, in town, maybe with some travel, challenging, but not overly taxing and paying well by the end of the month. I'm putting this out there.

2) Get the will done. One of those jobs I keep putting off. Anybody know of a decent solicitor who doesn't charge the GDP of Burkina Faso? It's not a big or complicated job.

3) Paint out the kitchen. A job for next week once I have a chat to the real estate agent to ensure I can get the paint and materials reimbursed and once the cat has gone home. He's trouble when you want to get jobs done.

4)Tidy the spare room. Another job that just keeps getting put off.

5) Transfer everything on this laptop over onto the new laptop I bought at the end of June. This one is getting very slow. It's just an annoyance.

As for things I'd like to see happen in 2020.

1)  More travel. Exercise the passport. On top of the bucket list - Japan, Colorado, the UK, Angkor Wat - and maybe go see Geetangeli in New Zealand.  I just need a job to fund this.

2)  Get these novels completed.

3) Watch some of the classic films I've never seen. On this list there are films like:

  • The Godfather (any of them)
  • Schindler's List
  • Braveheart
  • The Deer Hunter 
  • A heap of later Tarantino (Inglorious Basterds / The Hateful 8 / Django Unchained
  • Blade Runner
4) More fun. More love. More magic.

There we go, that will do. 

My hour of writing is done. Ta da. 

I'll get novelling when I get home from the film I'm about to go see.

Today's song: 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pand,

    I like the idea of breaking down goals into months. Much more manageable and therefore more likely to be achievable.

    I'm sure you will succeed.

    Happy New Year.



