Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What I Learned from the last Star Wars Film

Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

Film Number: 3

Stars: 4

This review will contain spoilers.

I'm not a Star Wars aficionado - but I do like Star Wars. I'm not too far  into the mythology, but I know enough. I enjoy the films. I always have and I always will - except for maybe Episodes I-III. Like what was the point of Jar Jar Binks?

Anyway, after seeing Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker a couple of times here are some things I noticed in the film that to me, as a Star Wars novice, made it more than a lame space film.

There is a lore around the light sabres

Lightsabres come in different colours. Kylo Ren has a red one with daggers at the hilt. Rey's is initially blue. Leia's is also blue. Luke Skywalker's was green. Allegedly you can only wield a lightsabre if you have the force in you. I got this because Finn picked one up and he knew what to do with it. Never quite got this before.

The Star Wars Universe values women.

Well, Rey rocks. It's great to see strong female characters not having to put on dodgy bikinis.

Disney were never going to give Finn and Poe a chance

One of the great things about Star War films is the diversity. People of different ethnicities are represented. It's a big universe. It takes all types. At the end of the the film, you see two women from the rebel base kissing. But Disney are still not up for a same sex couple at the helm. There have been interviews with John Boyega and Oscar Isaacs who were up for Finn and Poe being a couple. It's wasn't to be.

But there needs to be some kissing...

Near the end of the film, Rey kisses Ben/Kylo Ren. Did this need to happen. Wouldn't a familiar hug have sufficed?

They can bring back the oldies, and they are still the best.

Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher call came back from the grave - Fisher, quite literally came back from the dead to visit various characters. Carrie Fisher had more air time that I thought possible - probably coming from the cutting room floor from Episode VIII - The Last Jedi. It was great to see them back. It rounded things out nicely.

Rey is great at reiki

Her healing technique using the force is legendary. She even got rid of Ben/Kylo Ren's facial scars. That's epic.

Some of the weird and wonderful characters steal the show

I loved the droidsmith, Babu Frick. Maz Kanata is another one. Great characterisations from little screen time. I also sorta fell for Dio, the little droid who looked like a unicycling hair dryer. This is the stuff I'll miss about Star Wars.

It all started with the scene in the bar with the music in the original film - Now Episode IV - A New Hope. It's part of the magic.

And I still can't get over how the Millennium Falcon is still still going.

I know a lot of purists have dissed this last film. I really enjoyed it. It rounded everything out well - took thinks to reasonably logical conclusions. You got to say goodbye to everybody. Palpatine is finally no more. They're still playing that off holographic chess. Chewie finally got his medal some thirty years later.

And Rey found her family.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is enjoyable, fun, plenty of action and effects and provides a tidy ending. Okay, if you're a fanatic, you're going to find fault. For the layman, it's great entertainment.

Today's Song:

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