Sunday, January 26, 2020

Winter Questions

I'm procrastinating before having to get back up a ladder. I'm painting out the kitchen and toilet. The kitchen, in particular, has been in need of a paint for years. Getting up ladders is not my favourite things. I have another coat of the ceiling to do today. Ergh.

We also have a public holiday this weekend. It's Invasion Day, also known as Australia Day. I'm very much for celebrating our country, but selecting to commemorate the day which a group of convicts and His Majesty's officers came to overtake tens of thousands of years of history - maybe now. I'd be a lot happier if Australia became a republic and we celebrated that day instead. I keep these feelings fairly quiet. There has to be a better day to commemorate Australia - not a day which to many represents oppression, anger, grief, humiliation and genocide.

It's also the middle of summer here - so doing questions about Winter feels a bit strange.

Ah well. Questions, as always, supplied and stolen by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

  How do you get past the gray skies during winter?

I don't. I like winter - it's my favourite season along with Autumn. I love not having to wear sunscreen. I love the low light. I like knowing I can have lots of bedclothes on at night. I love open fires. Winter is great.

    Do you like snow? Why or why not?

I like snow, only because it's a novelty. We never get snow in Melbourne. Once every few years we get a dusting in the hills around the place, but it's rare. But when I get to be in snow it's wonderful.

    What are your favorite activities to do during the winter?

Winter is footy season. The Australian Rules Football season runs from March to September. I also like to read, and do quiet things at home.

    What does a perfect winter day look like to you?

Ah, that would be get up, maybe go to the gym, go out somewhere decadent for brunch. Maybe then do some cooking and reading, then have friends around for dinner after. If there is an open fire and a good movie on the telly, all the better. Simple stuff. Maybe throw in go to a gallery visit for good measure too.

    What are your favorite meals/food you enjoy eating during the winter?

Roast dinners, followed by some sort of pudding. If it's Mum's roast lamb, even better.

    What is your favorite winter holiday and why?

The only holiday we have in winter is the Queen's birthday - which is held on the second weekend in June. Daft thing is it celebrates Queen Victoria's birthday, not Queen Elizabeth II. We also have a day off for the Australian Rules Grand Final, but that is in September, so technically, that's Spring.

    What is your favorite pizza flavor and toppings.

I will normally order a Mexican Hot or a Barbeque Chicken Pizza, if I get pizza, which is rare. I had an awesome Harissa Chicken pizza the other night at Shakespeare in the Park. It was very good.

    What are some items in your daily bag / backpack.

I could live for a year with what you find in my backpack or handbag. But here are some things that are every present:

  • Phone
  • Wallet
  • Book/kindle
  • Handcream
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Pens
  • Notebook
  • Tissues both used and unused
  • Old lanyards
  • My Myki card (public transport card)
  • A blue ganesha keyring
  • Old receipts
  • Charging cables
  • Plug for the charging cable
  • The odd flyer
  • Small tube of toothpaste
  • Mints
  • Keep cup for coffee
  • A millilitre of frankincense
  • Stray earrings
  • Loose change
  • Ibuprofen / paracetamol (Tylenol/Advil)
    Your favorite snacks.

Almond protein balls or salt and vinegar chips.

    Some foreign countries that you would like to visit

I feel another list coming on as I won't count the countries I've been to:
  • Japan
  • Cambodia
  • South Africa
  • Egypt
  • Morocco
  • Portugal
  • China
  • Iceland
  • Canada
  • Argentina
  • Uruguay
  • Chile
  • Peru
  • Colombia
  • Nepal
    What things that remind you of home

Rolling hills, green grass (but not too green) The smell of pine trees mixed with gum trees. Fresh air. Long, clean beaches.

    If you have one, some items from your Amazon Wishlist

I don't have an Amazon Wishlist, and I only use Amazon for kindle e-books. So lets say my wishlist would have new release novels and the odd classic.

    What was your favorite Christmas gift?

I seem to get books and vouchers now, so anything that isn't a book or a voucher is awesome. I received a lovely plate with an Oscar Wilde quote on it this year from a wonderful friend. It's jut adorable.

Today's song:


  1. Hi Pand,

    You have to go to Japan. It is still my favourite (and weirdest) holiday. I would love to go back there.




  2. You don't get winter a cold season as it is here? Interesting that you have the day of the football finals as a holiday. There is a movement here to try and change our Super Bowl to Saturday or make it a national holiday. It was just on the news this morning. I will be surprised if it happens. I think the insides of our purses must look a lot alike. lol

  3. I can't imagine not dealing with snow. That sounds great. It's fun to see occasionally but a pain to deal with when you have a lot of it!

  4. you totally have it all organized in what you carry along with you. That is better than what I do all I know I have several of the same items and never know what else
    come see us at

  5. You are well traveled. That is awesome. I really would love to be able to travel more. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  6. What a huge bag you must have!!

    I loved learning about Aussie Rules football, my favorite being that you need to watch it while eating a meat pie of some sort!
